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* From the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' series we have the [[Mega Corp]] Umbrella Corporation, which had enough legitimate profit as the world's leading pharmaceutical company to not be dabbling in bio-weapons. And on top of that, when you consider what they are able to accomplish with their research, they'd probably make much, much more money pursuing something legitimate and marketable, as opposed to selling mutants and skinless dogs on the black market.
* From the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' series we have the [[Mega Corp]] Umbrella Corporation, which had enough legitimate profit as the world's leading pharmaceutical company to not be dabbling in bio-weapons. And on top of that, when you consider what they are able to accomplish with their research, they'd probably make much, much more money pursuing something legitimate and marketable, as opposed to selling mutants and skinless dogs on the black market.
** What makes it even more sad is that all the money that was invested in making these biological weapons could have vastly improved the lives of the civilian world. All these villains could have helped people had they wanted to and still have made a huge profit off of it.
** What makes it even more sad is that all the money that was invested in making these biological weapons could have vastly improved the lives of the civilian world. All these villains could have helped people had they wanted to and still have made a huge profit off of it.
** Resident Evil 5 revealed that Oswald Spencer's ultimate goal with Umbrella was to mutate a virus he'd discovered into something that would make him godlike and immortal. All the zombies, skinless dogs and mutants were byproducts of this research. Of course, Spencer still crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by trying to weaponize them and not giving a damn about any of his employees's lives.
** Resident Evil 5 revealed that Oswald Spencer's ultimate goal with Umbrella was to mutate a virus he'd discovered into something that would make him godlike and immortal. All the zombies, skinless dogs and mutants were byproducts of this research. Of course, Spencer still crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by trying to weaponize them and not giving a damn about any of his employees' lives.
* ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'': Blutarch and Redmond Mann have hired teams of elite mercenaries to fight over lumbermills, granaries, and barren scraps of land in the middle of Death Valley - even though, according to the timeline, they ''literally own half the world''. Possibly subverted, as they hold a deep grudge against each other, and their father's hatred of their own stupidity led him to [[Inadequate Inheritor|force them into cooperation by giving them a split share of the company's land in his will.]]
* ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'': Blutarch and Redmond Mann have hired teams of elite mercenaries to fight over lumbermills, granaries, and barren scraps of land in the middle of Death Valley - even though, according to the timeline, they ''literally own half the world''. Possibly subverted, as they hold a deep grudge against each other, and their father's hatred of their own stupidity led him to [[Inadequate Inheritor|force them into cooperation by giving them a split share of the company's land in his will.]]
* Many members of the Mad Gear gang from ''[[Final Fight]]'' managed to find legitimate ways to earn money later. Hugo figured out that pro wrestling paid better than street brawling, while Poison transitioned to an even ''more'' evil role - [[Sarcasm Mode|his manager.]] Later they actually become this reality's version of Vince and Linda McMahon, forming their own pro-wrestling franchise, the HWA. (Huge Wrestling Army) Abigail, J, Axl, and Roxy opened an autobody shop, but unfortunately, Abigail's rotten temper got him - and them - into more trouble during the events of ''[[Street Fighter V]]''.
* Many members of the Mad Gear gang from ''[[Final Fight]]'' managed to find legitimate ways to earn money later. Hugo figured out that pro wrestling paid better than street brawling, while Poison transitioned to an even ''more'' evil role - [[Sarcasm Mode|his manager.]] Later they actually become this reality's version of Vince and Linda McMahon, forming their own pro-wrestling franchise, the HWA. (Huge Wrestling Army)<ref>If that sounds weird, don't forget, the game originated in Japan, and Japan has a franchise called ''Wrestle and Romance'', [[Widget Series| because, well, it's Japan]].</ref> Abigail, J, Axl, and Roxy opened an autobody shop, but unfortunately, Abigail's rotten temper got him - and them - into more trouble during the events of ''[[Street Fighter V]]''.

=== Western Animation ===
=== Western Animation ===