Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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(added years to some dates, added final tally on blatant lies in office)
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* [[Believing Their Own Lies]]: It's unclear, but Trump does at least give the appearance of believing his lies ''du jour''.
* [[Big Bulky Bomb]]: He became the first president to deploy a MOAB, the so-called "Mother of All Bombs" (which itself is a [[Shout-Out]] to Saddam Hussein's "mother of all wars" boast) in 2017. This bomb is so big it has to be launched out the back of a cargo plane, but it's only a conventional explosive.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Has been [ accused of doing this frequently], though not without reason. The ''Washington Post'' began keeping a record false or misleading claims (lies), [ totalling 492 in his first 100 days in office], [ 3001 in his first 466 days], [ 4,229 in his first 558 days] and [ 6420 in his first 649 days]. His lie count varies, but in the first 466 days of his Presidency, he averaged 6.5 'false or misleading claims' a day, whereas in June and July of 2018, [ he averaged 16 lies per day]. This dramatic uptick seemingly [[Nothing to See Here|coincided with]] increased pressure from the Mueller investigation. The exponential lie count continued under the aforementioned pressure, coupled with the run up to the Mid-Term elections on November 6th6, 2018. According to [ the graph in the ''Washington Post''], Trump has lied/ made false claims over 1000 times in OctobeOctober 2018].
** As of November 1st, 2018, [ Trump claims to tell the truth "when [he] can"]
** As of December 10th, 2018, as part of their Fact Checker, the ''Washington Post'' created the ultimate category of lie, or misleading claim. Based on their prior "[[Pinocchio]]" scale whereby a claim is award 1 (shading of truth) to 4 (lying) [ Pinocchio's] depending on it'sits relative truthfulness; the new category is called a "Bottomless Pinocchio" and stands for any false claim repeated publicly more than 20 times. These claims constitute [ ''disinformation'']. The biggest Pinocchio's of the year were given [ own page].
** "I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence." (Posted to Twitter on October 8, 2020 in response to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's accusation that he encouraged White Supremacist groups and their violence.)
** And then on January 6, 2021, [ he told a rally "And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you"] before doing nothing to prevent that crowd from storming the Capitol building. He was not right there with them. As soon as he was done speaking he returned to the White House to watch the insurrection he'd launched on TV.
** [ George Conway] has described him as "the most prodigiously documented liar in American history, if not the history of the world."
** As of the end of his presidency, the ''Washington Post'' credited him with [ over 30,500 false or misleading claims] during the four years he was in office.
* [[Broke Episode]]: Trump's businesses have filed for bankruptcy six times.
* [[Brooklyn Rage]]: Made efforts to cultivate this image over the years. Trump's persona, at least in the media, is that of a [[Nouveau Riche|straight-talking]], tough New Yorker.