• Broken Base: Is the original SNES soundtrack (by Eveline Fischer) or the re-done Gameboy Advance soundtrack (by David Wise) superior?
  • Most Annoying Sound: Kiddy's "AGGGGHHHH!!!" when he loses a life.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: Part of the song "Nuts and Bolts", which is played in the factory levels, sounds similar to Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir".
    • The GBA version of "Rockface Rumble" bears a resemblance to "Sweet Home Alabama".
  • Tough Act to Follow: After its predecessor set a very high bar standard, it was no surprise this trope would happen.
    • Not to mention, the game came out literally two months after Super Mario 64 wowed the video game industry. Donkey Kong Country 3 ended up getting hit hard with the Popularity Polynomial.