Dumb and Dumber/YMMV

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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: When the Farrelly brothers announced that they were working on a sequel and it would feature the return of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, fans of the original film were overjoyed.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is Lloyd just extremely stupid, or is he a Psychopathic Manchild? Throughout the film, he:
    • Mistakes Mary's politeness for affection, and is oblivious to the fact that he's creeping her out.
    • Is a very poor driver, and flees the scene of an accident in order to do something that probably could have been handled by airport security based solely on the fact that he was so obsessed with a woman he just met.
    • Insists upon going on a road trip to be with a woman he only drove to the airport.
    • Sees absolutely no problem with tricking a blind boy into buying Harry's dead parakeet.
    • Has absolutely no financial savvy. First, spending the money from selling the parakeet on all kinds of needless things, even though they're bankrupt. Earlier he got robbed by someone he thought he could trust even though he insulted her (and he doesn't know he insulted her). Later, spending the money from Mary's briefcase on all kinds of extravagant goods (even a Lamborghini)!
    • Insists upon irritating the hitchhiker he and Harry have picked up (admittedly, he was planning on murdering them both, but they didn't know that) in many ways, such as making the Most Annoying Sound in the world.
    • Never gives any thought about Harry's needs until they're pointed out to him, i.e. wearing two pairs of gloves until Harry tells him his hands are cold.
    • (Accidentally) kills an endangered owl at a party, and doesn't see what's wrong with that.
    • Puts laxatives in Harry's tea rather than directly confronting him about Mary.
    • Engages in an Indulgent Fantasy Segue in which he kills Mary's husband.
    • The only reason he doesn't get called on any of it is because Harry's too genuinely stupid and passive to do so.
      • Lloyd could also be considered a Jerkass Woobie - he travels across the country nearly getting killed/raped in the process just to give his dream girl her briefcase, his best friend steals her from him (so he thinks), and finally learns that she's already married. And to top it off he's simply too dumb and/or crazy to realize that she's completely out of his league anyway.
  • Complete Monster: Joe "Mental" Mentalino. This is a man who tried to poison Harry & Lloyd with arsenic in a diner, and ripped the head off of their parakeet to send them a message.
    • This troper would consider Nicholas to be more of one than Mental, who is mostly relegated to mook status.
  • Foe Yay: Lloyd's second run-in with Sea Bass.
  • Ho Yay: While Harry and Lloyd are certainly straight, that didn't stop the two Mooks following them from thinking otherwise. Them staying the night at a Second Honeymoon place didn't help.
  • Memetic Outfit: The paired blue and orange tuxedos.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Rachel Nichols in the prequel.
  • Sequelitis: The Farrely brothers had nothing to do with either Dumb and Dumberer, or the animated TV series.
  • Squick
  • What an Idiot!: Oooh boy. Where to begin? They practically have an Idiot Ball infused in their skull.