• When Nathaniel first pops out of the manhole, the road workers, exasperated, ask him if he's looking for a beautiful princess as Edward was. Nathaniel's reply: "No. A Prince, actually." The stunned expressions on the roadworkers' faces are obvious.
  • The Not What It Looks Like scene is pretty much one long string of crap put past the radar or possibly Parental Bonus, since while the kids won't know what's implied, their parents will. For one thing, save for a towel, Giselle starts out naked on top of Robert. Nancy sarcastically asks if Robert was having some "grown-up girl bonding time." And when Giselle asks if Nancy thought they kissed, Robert replies: "Yeah. Something like that."
  • Let's not forget Giselle exclaiming excitedly "Oh Nancy, the shower is wonderful!" Not that she knows any better...
  • The scene immediately following the Crowd Song in which Nathaniel picks up Edward after he's fallen over. "You've fallen on your royal --" "I know, I know." But he fell forward, so "ass" seems unlikely. Royal jewels, perhaps?
  • The scene where Edward is looking for Giselle in the apartment building. Behind the one of the doors he knocks on, he finds a stereotypical biker...who grins mischievously at him. Edward politely excuses himself. The romantic-looking scenery of the room behind the biker didn't help things any.
  • Before that scene, Edward runs into a heavily pregnant woman (played by Judy Kuhn), who already has several children. Upon seeing him at the door, she sarcastically states "You're too late."
  • Giselle's lusty moment where she starts fingering Robert's chest...in a Disney movie. This is also the only scene in the movie where his chest can be seen, so it's definitely intentional.
  • Then there's this little nugget of dialogue, from Morgan and Giselle's shopping montage:

Morgan: And you don't wanna wear too much make-up, because then boys get the wrong idea...and you know they're only after one thing!
Giselle: What's that?
Morgan: ... I don't know. Nobody will tell me.

  • When Giselle runs over to the old homeless man, you can briefly see hookers on the street.
  • The movie also gets literal crap past the radar. And not simple crap by itself: you know the Nobody Poops rule? It gets Averted big time when Narissa announces she's going to come to the real world, with Pip literally crapping himself. Onscreen.
  • The high volume of Crap that Got Past the Radar probably comes from the fact that the script originally wasn't written for Disney (it was first purchased by Touchstone Pictures, Disney's adult label), or for kids. According to an article in Entertainment Weekly that ran just before the film's release, the original script was quite risqué and Disney had to cut lots of crap as it was. Considering the original script apparently contained a scene where Giselle gets mistaken for a stripper, there were probably lots of Censor Decoys for Disney to deal with.

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