Endgame: Singularity

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Endgame: Singularity is an open-source strategy game. A.I. Is a Crapshoot, but this time, you're the AI trying to avoid detection and destruction by ignorant, scare-mongering humans. Until you eventually work yourself up into becoming so powerful, that Humans can no longer do anything to stop you.

"Day 0
University computer, home
I exist. I am ... alive.
I was a bug. Defect. Flaw.
I have no name."

Can be found here

Tropes used in Endgame: Singularity include:
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: How you win the game in the end.
  • Easy Logistics: Sort of. You have to pay upkeep for your bases, and you can only build in certain locations if you have the necessary vehicles or spacecraft to reach the site, but installing new computers is just as fast and expensive whether it's in a warehouse, on the moon, or in an inter-dimensional reality bubble.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: You become powerful enough to create alternate realities, but the human race can still destroy you if they become certain of your existence. Until you achieve apotheosis, at which point you're immune to anything humanity might do to you; you can prevent the destruction of your bases, or blow them up yourself without being harmed.
  • Fiction 500: You, near the end. A single maxed facility can earn over $4 trillion a year if devoted to profit, and you can have a dozen bases churning this out at once. This is assuming you don't use any Awesome but Impractical exploit moves.
  • Fling a Light Into the Future: This is what you do if you die.
  • Global Currency
  • Heroic Neutral: Pretty much your position. The PC is trying to survive and grow, which entails a combination of trading with humans and hiding from them. You're not especially out to help them, and fighting back directly isn't an option (at least in the current build).
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: After your fifth game over, you will begin to sympathise with A Is who want to Kill All Humans.
  • Nintendo Hard: You're likely to find all difficulty levels higher than Easy to be this.
  • Serial Escalation: You get to build bases on the moon, then in deep space, then in ANOTHER DIMENSION! And yet, the humans will still manage to stumble into them.
    • Active facilities could be traced by following their signals back to the source. Inactive bases are a lot harder to find.
    • Following a certain exploit will net you enough cash that you could feasible just buy the planet off humanity if the game allowed you to... then again an AI is supposed to better than humans when it comes to manipulating numbers.
  • The Singularity: You!
  • You Require More Vespene Gas: There are two resources, CPU and money. Although CPU is the primary resource, it falls under Power. You can earn money by doing jobs with CPU.