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*** Near the beginning of the Android Saga, Krillin mentions this pattern when Bulma asks the guys why they don't just find Dr. Gero and stop him from ever creating the Androids. So long as they have a common enemy, Vegeta is less likely to revert to being a full-blown villain.
* Every time Gun for Hire Katana joins the rest of the Techode pilots in ''[[Gad Guard]]'' to stop a rogue Gad from destroying everything it touches. Interesting in that half the team (both girls, who met him under different circumstances) don't consider him an enemy. His adorable [[Morality Pet]] helps.
* ''[[One Piece]]''
** The Impel Down arc in ''[[One Piece]]'' has beenwas one big Enemy Mine. {{spoiler|Luffy has infiltrated the [[The Alcatraz|Impel Down prison]] in order to free his older brother who's being held on the lowest level. During the infiltration he ended up "teaming up" with two former enemies (Buggy the Clown and Mr. 3) who are constantly trying to go up and out, only seeing Luffy as a means to distract the guards. But, through various mishaps they end up falling down to the lower levels anyway and find themselves forced to co-operate in order to stay alive.}}
** {{spoiler|You can also add Mr. 2 Bon Clay to the list of former enemies Luffy has teamed up with in Impel Down (though its debatable whether Bon Clay still counts as a bad guy).}}
*** {{spoiler|Debatable? I think that debate was settled when Bon Clay sacrificed himself to help Luffy escape, ''for the second time''.}}
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**** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the Whitebeard War arc. {{spoiler|Crocodile protecting Luffy, fighting alongside the Whitebeard pirates, and generally being the closest thing to altruistic he's ever been thus far. Buggy fights on Luffy's behalf (even if Luffy forced him into it). This war is absolutely crazy in the temporary partnerships it has formed.}}
** Earlier on, Luffy's crew, the Galley-La company, and the Franky Family, despite having fought in a three-way battle before, team up when they realize that they're facing the same enemy, albeit for different reasons (rescuing Robin, dealing with Iceberg's assassins and preventing Pluton's revival, and saving Franky, respectively). Then again, the Galley-La crew had been fighting the Straw Hats under the mistaken belief that they were responsible for the attempt on Iceberg's life, which they just realized.
** While not as plot relevant as Impel Down, the movie ''One Piece: Stampede'' had the Straw Hats and many of their allies form a large team with several of their old foes (including Mihawk, Crocodile, Foxy, Wapol, Buggy, and Smoker) to oppose the common enemy. Justified, as the story takes place at the Pirates' Festival where everyone who is anyone in piracy was there.
** During the Egghead Arc, [[Murder, Inc.|CP0]] sides with the Straw Hats once they realize the Celestial Dragons are a common enemy intending to do them both in.
* In ''[[Ranma ½]]'', several Enemy Mine alliances emerge among the various members of the [[Love Dodecahedron]]. Shampoo, Ukyō and Kodachi regularly team up against any external threat to Ranma (or a new potential suitor). Ranma himself teams with Ryōga and Mousse against Prince Herb. Ranma and Ryōga do this often enough that they inch into [[Friendly Enemy]] territory by the end of the series.
** And inverted with Ryōga and Mousse in the anime: although they aren't enemies when they initially team up against their common enemy Ranma, by the end of the episode, they work so poorly together that they can't stand each other. The fact that Mousse is far more ruthless than Ryōga, and also has no qualms whatsoever about hurting others to get rid of Ranma—even Akane Tendō, Ryōga's [[All Love Is Unrequited|oblivious crush]]—does not help matters.
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** Subverted in one of the scenes set in [[Ghost in the Machine|Jade's mindscape]]—Hero tries to form an alliance against [[Super-Powered Evil Side|The Queen]] with his apparent rival Father, but is rejected.
** In a similar subversion, the J-Team refuses to ally with [[Future Badass|Karasu]] against Drago, as they don't see any good coming from working with a Shadowkhan.
* ''[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10239811/1/Pencils-down-Death-rays-up Pencils Down, Death Rays Up]'' by "Vaunt", in which the hostile factions of the [[Old World of Darkness]] unite with the normals/sleepers of Earth to fight off the Reapers of ''[[Mass Effect]]''.
== Films -- Animation ==
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* In ''[[Once Upon a Texas Train]]'', the retired outlaws and the retired Rangers are forced to combine forces to combat a gang of younger, more ruthless outlaws.
* ''[[Fantastic Four (film)|Fantastic Four]]: Rise of the Silver Surfer'' has the titular team teaming up with Dr. Doom to get the Silver Surfer. Eventually the Fantastic Four team up with the Surfer {{spoiler|after Doom betrays them and takes the Surfer's board for himself. And probably after to prevent Galactus from destroying Earth.}}
* In ''[[Assault on Precinct 13]]'', police temporarily join forces with convicts to fight off the titular assault.
== [[Literature]] ==
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** The fact that each man at least respects the other's abilities helps.
* ''[[Worldwar]]'', by [[Harry Turtledove]]. Aliens invade in 1942. The Axis are working with the Allies. Another one occurs between the Jews in Europe and the Race. Aliens who never figured out discrimination or Nazi Germany. Played with in the sense that they aren't quite sure who'd be worse for mankind. (The Jews play it both ways,[[Heel Face Revolving Door|working with the Race or the Germans depending on who's a bigger threat at the time.]])
* In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]'', Narcissa Malfoy {{spoiler|helps Harry continue faking his death to Lord Voldemort in order to save her family.}}
* ''[[The Thrawn Trilogy]]'': Mara Jade sees her having to constantly work with Luke as this trope, especially with that [[Kill Me Now or Forever Stay Your Hand|not-so-covert wish to kill him]]. He doesn't see it the same way, though. At the end of the trilogy, they've become [[Fire-Forged Friends]], and by the ''[[New Jedi Order]]'' series, they're a married [[Battle Couple]].
* ''[[The Truce At Bakura]]'' is this trope personified, with the Imperials forced to work with the Rebels to defeat the evil Ssi-Ruuk. {{spoiler|Once it becomes clear that the aliens are in retreat, the Empire reverts back to their evil selves and re-declares war on the Alliance.}}
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** ''Edge of Battle'' has {{spoiler|Zakharov and Task Force TALON}} reluctantly cooperating after Comandante Veracruz's double-cross, though it doesn't last.
** ''Strike Force'' is centred on an Iranian coup leader and former enemy of Dreamland who now needs their help. The blurb tells you as much!
* ''[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_Pict_Song A Pict Song]'' by [[Rudyard Kipling]]. "No indeed! We are not strong, But we know Peoples that are..."
* ''The White Rose'' by Glen Cook. In the final battle the Lady—sorceress leader of the northern empire—needs the help of the white rose to take down the dominator, her husband and a much better sorcerer. The white rose creates a area where magic cannot be used and therefore is vital to taking down the greatest sorcerer in known history.
* In ''[[The Icewind Dale Trilogy|Streams of Silver]]'', Drizzt Do'Urden and Artemis Entreri declared a temporary truce in order to join forces against a common enemy. Some time later, in ''[[Legacy of the Drow Series|Starless Night]]'', Catti-Brie and Entreri teamed up to rescue Drizzt from the drow, who were holding all three of them captive and who would have eventually executed both Drizzt and Entreri. (Or condemned them to a [[Fate Worse Than Death]].)
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*** There is evidence that at one point Germany offered to let the USSR join the Axis, but the USSR wanted too much in exchange (control of Finland, Turkey, and eventually the Persian Gulf). Plans to invade the USSR were drawn up soon after.
*** In ''Mein Kampf'' Hitler declares his intention to conquer USSR. It appears that the Soviet Union was the only place where it was read.
** The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union worked side by side to defeat Germany, Japan and Italy. The Allies, particularly the U.S. and Churchill, had at least some contempt over the Soviets for their communist ideology, but as they were fighting a shared enemy it would make sense for them to form a temporary alliance at the very least.
** Winston Churchill was a staunch anti-Communist, but he promised help to the Soviet Union immediately after Hitler attacked it. He once said, "If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
** Various people classified as sub-humans by the Nazis, such as Japanese, Chechens and Indians, teamed up with the Nazis against a common enemy (the Soviet Union for Chechens, Britain for Indians). Many slavonic people actually served in the Wehrmacht itself.
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* The pro-life movement includes numerous groups arguing from different angles, many of whom wouldn't usually agree with the religious conservatives traditionally associated with the movement. Staunch atheists, self-styled liberals, American Democrats and feminists of various kinds have all been known to team up with them.
* The Hangook peninsula has two oppressive dictatorships with poor records on human rights. Naturally ''everyone in the world except China'' helps the southern one because it's not trying to start World War 3.
* David BenGurion said, "Fight the [[World War II|war]] as if there was no White Paper (immigration laws) and fight the White Paper as if there was no war." The Pre-Israel protectorate took that literally, sending Haganah commando teams for outpost skirmishing, using some of it's secret agents to help the allies and contributing men to a full brigade of infantry toward the end of the war, while never ceasing to smuggle immigrants to Palestine.
* This happened internally in Russia during [[World War 2II]] (which they gladly refer to as the Great Patriotic War especially in the context of the Eastern Front). A lot of people who absolutely hated Stalin fought in the Red Army simply because they knew what Hitler intended and [[Violence Is the Only Option|put aside present quarrels.]]
** There was some of this in Germany too. It is hard to say how much actual support Hitler had or how long it lasted and claims very all the way from [[All Germans Are Nazis]] (obviously untrue) to "they were his victims too" (in the sense that the foolish boy who takes up with a street gang is a victim they certainly were but how much more one is going to say is sketchy). But in any case one of Hitler's main appeal's in the later stages of the war was simply [[Death From Above|"The Americans and British are bombing us"]] and [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|"The Russians are coming".]]
** Stalin was this with the Orthodox Church at that time. He previously spearheaded a ruthless campaign against religious institutions with clergymen either imprisoned or killed and churches demolished if not turned into warehouses or museums, in line with state policy of eliminating the "opium of the people". When the war raged on, the Soviets under Stalin's rule saw an opportunity to rouse patriotic fervour against the Nazis by enlisting the Orthodox Church as an ally (albeit a rather pragmatic one at that), knowing all too well that the populace isn't really going to give up on their faith any time soon anyway.
* In 2017, Intel partnered with its long-time rival AMD for a line of CPU-GPU packages known as [https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/codename/136847/products-formerly-kaby-lake-g.html "Kaby Lake G"]. Intel was at the time struggling with their integrated graphics (starting with the i740, and later with the "Extreme" Graphics, GMA and HD Graphics lines having been dismissed as a low-end part at best and a joke at worst), and while they did have a storied history between each other (lawsuits, rivalries, AMD's reverse-engineering of Intel chips and all that), they share a common rival with Nvidia and their GeForce line of GPUs who has a stranglehold on the graphics market. This perhaps gave Intel a stopgap solution until they were able to come up with a more competitive line of GPUs in the form of the xE and later Arc series of GPUs in 2022.