Exclusively Evil: Difference between revisions

"fan fic" -> "fan works", BSG link
("fan fic" -> "fan works", BSG link)
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[[File:gothmog and army.jpg|link=The Lord of the Rings (film)|frame|Yep, every last one of 'em.]]
{{quote|''Do not offer them riches, they care not for your coin. Do not offer them surrender, they care not for victory. Offer them nothing, for they come only to murder.''|'''On the [[The Fair Folk|Dark]] [[Our Elves Are Better|Eldar]]''', ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''}}
|'''On the [[The Fair Folk|Dark]] [[Our Elves Are Better|Eldar]]''', ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''}}
A common conceit of the sci-fi and fantasy genres (and especially games of those genres) is the notion of not an organization, not a clan, not a city, but an entire ''race'' of bad guys who [[Card-Carrying Villain|brag about how '''''Evil''''' they are]]. All of the racial members behave evilly, because - let's face it - ''[[Star Trek]]'' would've been really boring if [[The Kirk|Kirk]] had to interview every Klingon he met before punching them out. This may sometimes go so far that a [[Final Solution]] against the defined-as-evil race is portrayed [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide|in a quite cheerful light]].
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{{noreallife|no group of people can be accurately described with blanket statements.}}
{{examples|Add Examples, ya scum! Get crackin! If ''He'' catches you lollygagging, you knows what will happen!}}
{{examples|Add Examples, ya scum! Get crackin! If ''He'' catches you lollygagging, you knows what will happen!}}
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Most of the Saiyans in ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' were said to generally be barbaric planet destroying bullies. Goku (being a unique exception in which he fell and hit his head as a baby) and a few other characters are the exception rather than the norm. This is often overlooked by fans, which Akira Toriyama parodied in Neko Majin Z with the character of [[Fat Bastard|Onio]].
* The Mazoku, from ''[[Slayers]]''. Given that they [[The Heartless|literally feed on negative emotions]], they have a lot more reason to be this way than most examples of this trope.
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== Fan FicWorks ==
* In crossover [[Alternate Universe]] fics, usually with the ''[[Stargate Verse]]'', the Twelve Colonies from ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' are portrayed as psycho gun-happy Earth invaders, despite there being no evidence for this. One should duly note that most of these fics are absolutely horrible [[Follow the Leader|derivatives]] of ''[[Reunions Are a Bitch]]'', which laid most of the blame on the ''leaders'', and the Average Joe Colonial earnestly believed that they're doing the right thing and helping Earth with their invasion.
* The Muk and bug-type Pokémon in the ''[[Poké Wars]]'' series are portrayed as mindless killing machines.
* In the ''[[Mass Effect]]'' fanfic, ''The Council Era'', the dezban race are perceived as being utter savages by the rest of the galaxy. For the vast majority of the species, this became true after the Great War, but an exception is introduced in the dezban bounty hunter Sevalaus Morkaneto, who is both rational-thinking and far less aggressive than most of his brethren.
* The Uchiha are usually portrayed as this in ''[[Naruto]]'' fanfic, except for Mikoto, Itachi, Obito and, on '''rare''' occasions, Sasuke.
* From ''[[My Immortal]]'', the [[Designated Villain|Preps]] are always antagonistic and [[Informed Wrongness|evilly preppy]].