Fat Bastard: Difference between revisions

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** There's also the Toydarians, who are related to Hutts, are almost as bastardly, and they all have big guts. Though, as extra materials point out, their guts aren't filled with fat, but helium. Which explains why such a being can fly around on those puny wings. Fatness may be the least of their [[Space Jews|unfortunate stereotyping.]]
** Another fat bastard human featured in ''Tatooine Ghost'' - one of Leia's fellow survivors of Alderaan is fat enough to need a hoverchair. He's small-time compared to the other bad guys in the fic, but a greedy wretch nonetheless.
** ''[[Splinter of the MindsMind's Eye]]'' has a villain whose physical description includes this line.
{{quote|[...] he stood to reveal a modest paunch curving gently from beneath his sternum [[Purple Prose|like a frozen waterfall of suet]], to crash and tumble [[Squick|somewhere below the waistline]] in a jumble of uniform.}}
* This trope is closely examined in [[Robin Hobb]]'s ''Soldier Son'' trilogy. After {{spoiler|Nevare}} grows extremely fat as a side effect of a disease, he notices how people's attitudes towards him have changed drastically to the worse. People who haven't even talked to him make fun of his size in his presence, and some are even openly hostile. He pretty much has to prove to those he meets that he ''isn't'' a bastard, because they tend to assume he is.
* Inverted by Harold Lauder in ''[[The Stand]]'' by [[Stephen King]]'', at least in the novel. Harold is a sympathetic character while a fat nerd—itnerd — it's only after he loses weight, becomes moderately attractive, and gains a few levels of competence outside of bookish pursuits that he does a [[Face Heel Turn]].
* ''[[The Bible]]'' [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges%203:12-28&version=KJV describes] the assassination of a [[Adipose Rex|very fat king]] who leaks excrement when he is stabbed. He oppressed the Israelites for eighteen years, which perhaps explains why this particular detail was included by those who wrote the account.
* A good female example is found in the person of The Ancestress, an early villain in ''[[Bridge of Birds]].'' Li Kao recalls her as a beautiful, scheming concubine who butchered all of her rivals and their children, then had the Emperor murdered and set herself up as a regent over her weak-willed son for years, where her extravagance ran the empire into the ground; her son got blamed and subsequently executed in a coup, while she retired to a life of luxury. By the time we see her, however, she has gained two hundred pounds out of overindulgence. When she finally meets her end, in a gruesome manner typical to this series, she is described as blundering around the room crushing her own guards with her monstrous weight while {{spoiler|Henpecked Ho}} pursues her with an axe. About the best thing that you can say for the Ancestress is that she was a [[Complete Monster]] long before she was fat.
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* The Heavy is seen as one of these by the other classes in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'', or so their domination/revenge quotes would seem to indicate.
{{quote|'''Scout:''' I am owning you, you fat [[Bald of Evil|bald]] bastard!}}
* Juan "The Banker" Borgia in ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood|Assassin's Creed Brotherhood]]''.
** He follows in the footsteps of his fat uncle, [[The Pope|Rodrigo Borgia]]. Unlike the first example (Juan was actually a very thin man), Rodrigo has the excuse of being ''historically'' of large girth... and coincidentally, one of history's most notorious villains.
* Though you never get to see the full body of Duke Radcot in [[Vanguard Bandits]], you don't really need to. His portrait alone has three chins. Trying to load that much fat on-screen at once might break the [[PS 1]].
* Bob in ''[[Gungrave]]''. In the game's storyline he's depicted as being a real [[Jerkass|jerk]] underneath his calm exterior. As the first major boss fight of the game, his initial reaction to Grave is to call him out for his so-called "ingratitude" to his former friends and the syndicate for providing him (Grave) with power, wealth and a place to call home, without even realizing that it also directly and indirectly led to Grave's undoing.
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*** There was also the debilitating leg injury that ''kept'' him from exercising.
** Then there is King George IV (of the Regency fame), who ended his life as a fat, lecherous, boozing pig of with a body weight of 111 kg.
* Former bailiff Johnnie Jordan testified against the (quite large) district court judge, Elizabeth Halverson for abusing her power and forcing the bailiff to do mundane and demeaning tasks such as rubbing her feet, picking up the sun flower seeds and cookie crumbs she left on the floor, and serving her microwavable dinners. She was also alleged to have fallen asleep in court, cussed at other employees, and used the bailiff to spy on other staff at the regional justice center. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftti-tku2gk His tearful remarks of losing his dignity and faith in America are not overly dramatic. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftti-tku2gk&feature=related\]
* [[Fatty Arbuckle|Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle]], the early Hollywood star who was accused of raping actress Virginia Rappe at a party and rumored to have crushed her to death with his weight. The evidence was as ambiguous as it gets, and he was acquitted, but only after two mistrials, and the press and [[Moral Guardians]] had instantly assumed he was guilty and had already made the case into such a massive snowball of kneejerk disgust, moral shock and [[Body Horror]] that it utterly ruined him long before there was a chance to look at the facts. No, it is ''not'' [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]] to be concerned about the dangers of applying this trope in [[Real Life]].
* Pick your [[Strawman Political]]: [[Michael Moore]] on the left, [[Rush Limbaugh]] on the right.
* An obese inmate managed to hide a gun in his fat [https://web.archive.org/web/20121107052611/http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/08/george-vera-obese-texas-i_n_254644.html hide a gun in his fat layers]
* [[Those Wacky Nazis|Hermann Goering]], possibly the reincarnation of [[The Caligula|Ceasre Nero]]. Like Henry VIII, he was a thin and good-looking in his youth. But after [[World War I]], he ballooned up to enormous size, and also got a lot more evil as he enthusiastically joined the Nazis. When he was captured at the end of [[World War II]], the pilot assigned to fly him to Nuremberg ''requested a larger airplane, because he was unsure his two-seater could handle Goering's weight.''
* [[Camp Gay|Perez]] [[Small Name, Big Ego|Hilton]]