Final Fantasy XV/Characters/Empire of Niflheim Characters

Ardyn Izunia

  • Big Bad: Idola is the leader of the Empire but he vanishes without a trace, with Ardyn commanding his soldiers. And then it turns out he is the main responsible for spreading the Starscourge, putting him into this role.
  • Blow You Away: His Dark Tornado attack, which creates, well, a black tornado of energy who damages his opponents.
  • Dark Is Evil: His attire is noticeably dark, specially on the tropical environment of Lestallum. And he is pretty mean.
  • Obviously Evil: Though he tries to appear affable, his empire affiliation and the complete lack of trouble he seems to get into when helping our heroes shows he is hiding something, what the party notices.
  • Storm of Blades: He have his own Armiger, so swords do fly around him when he decides to use it.
  • Walking Spoiler: Ardyn just seems at eccentric member of the Empire which is somehow helping the party instead of trying to kill them. His true objectives and role aren't revealed until a pretty important character dies.