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* [[Bandage Babe|Bandage Bishonen]]: There are quite a few [[Fan Service]]-laden instances where he's [[Shirtless Scene|shirtless except for some bandages]].
* [[Beautiful Dreamer]]: He inspires this with many people. Now how well they [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|restrain themselves is a different story...]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The way Sousuke tends to make his awesome entrances to save the day. He does it so often, it gets to the point where [[Arch Enemy|Gauron]] actually [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it mockingly when he tackles and holds him down. "Well well, how do you like this? It's such a disgrace like this, isn't it? You can't act like a big damn hero and save the day in a cool way."
* [[Book Dumb]]: He's a [[Teen Genius]] when it comes to military strategies and techniques... but can't wrap his mind around his Japanese school homework assignments. Of course, part of this is probably because he was raised by the KGB, and is unable to understand normal civilian terms and concepts—he has [[No Social Skills]]. Undoubtedly, if he were given material on battles and Arm Slaves, he would ace all of it easily.
** Part of it is a language barrier/aversion of [[Eternal English|Eternal Japanese]]; most of the assignments he's shown struggling on are classical Japanese literature and poetry. He can read and write modern Japanese fine, but his understanding of the more archaic stuff is just shy of nonexistent.
*** He apparently has trouble with modern Japanese as well, as Kurz is shown lamenting that Sousuke sucks not only at Japanese History, but also Classics ''and'' Modern Literature.
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor]]: Despite being in the military ever since he was young, he doesn't drink. He's shown to be disgusted at the idea of it, and can't understand how others can stand it. As a result, he has zero tolerance for the stuff. Especially pronounced in the manga, where he takes a small sip of amazake (a drink that has very low alcohol content), and promptly gets dead drunk, complete with the fever and loss of strength. Kaname even [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it, telling him he '''really''' can't hold his liquor. He ends up dropping unconscious, and even after waking up, he's ''still'' drunk.
** This could be a holdover from his KGB training; as an assassin in Helmajistan (what used to be Afghanistan), abstinence from alcohol would be a necessary part of his cover as a mujahadin.
** As of recently{{when}} in the novels, he ''literally'' [[Can't Hold His Liquor]], due to {{spoiler|debilitating internal injuries courtesy of a rifle round that relieved him of a portion of his liver among other things.}}