Ghibli Hills/Playing With

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Basic Trope: Lush, green rolling hills filled with wildlife, away from The City.

  • Straight: The Forests of Tropelandia is a place free from pollution, with lavish greenery and towering trees.
  • Exaggerated: The entire planet of Tropelandia is made out of Ghibli Hills.
    • The trees in the hills stretch to be miles tall. They can only be described with the help of a thesaurus.
  • Downplayed: The Central Park of Tropelandia contains ornate and ripe trees, along with birds that reside in those trees, but is surrounded by a massive city.
  • Justified: Tropelandia is an alien planet and humans has not arrived there yet.
    • Tropelandia is away from all major cities.
  • Inverted: Mordor
    • Tropelandia City takes up the entirety of Tropelandia.
  • Subverted: The camera pans away from a city, and keeps panning, revealing nothing but dead plants in areas far enough away from the city to be Ghibli Hills.
  • Double Subverted: ...Then finally arrives on a shot of Ghibli Hills.
  • Parodied: Every time the camera focuses on the hills, the shot lasts for a second longer than the last shot, until the last episode is nothing but Ghibli Hills. Every single shot characters comment 'Wow that forest is LUSH and GORGEOUS'.
  • Zig Zagged: It appears that the hills are being bulldozed for rapid urbanization, but opposition groups pop up saying that the Hills should stay, then opposition to the opposition pops up saying that housing prices are rapidly increasing. The Hills themselves are currently dying from a recent drought, providing evidence for the urbanization group, but an abrupt and abundant amount of rain revitalizes the Hills.
  • Averted: The entire work takes place in The City.
  • Enforced: "We need to teach these kids about the importance of protecting our environment."
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, these forests look amazing!"
  • Invoked: Alice sets out to manually plant trees, hoping that one day, they'll grow into a forest for her kids to play in, and serve as a home for the wildlife.
  • Exploited: Knowing Tropelandia is filled with trees, Evil Extremeous McEvilSon the Megaevil starts an galactic logging empire, sending a fleet of wood cutters to Tropelandia, and selling the products for massive profits.
  • Defied: Bob, wishing to live in a city with close and easy access to essential amenities, stops Alice.
  • Discussed: "Be careful, Alice, although these trees may look peaceful, they are filled with dangerous animals."
  • Conversed: "I wish our world was like that forest in Adventures in Tropelandia."
  • Deconstructed: Bob warns Alice that planting trees is not a good idea, telling her that although forests look refreshing and calming, it makes it difficult for people to reach her house. Bob says it may lead to dangerous animals such as bears living in the forest, and that one day, the forests may be chopped down anyway in the name of urbanization.
  • Reconstructed: Alice starts planting a small forest. The forest is small enough so that people can still easily reach her house, and large animals don't find it appealing to be a habitat, but big enough so that she can go on a small walk in the forest and feel at peace.

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