Information for "Girl of the Week"

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Display titleGirl of the Week
Default sort keyGirl of the Week
Page length (in bytes)35,882
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Page ID137199
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Page creatorm>Import Bot
Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
Latest editorCarlb (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit20:26, 23 November 2019
Total number of edits16
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Like the Temporary Love Interest, this is a way to give the hero some romance for the episode while still allowing the focus of the show to be on the plot or the arc, but the Girl of the Week (or Guy of the Week) does not have to die at the end. The girl will be gone by the next episode, possibly because of a wacky misunderstanding a la the Three Is Company plotline, or a very minor flaw, but sometimes just not showing up again, with no explanation offered. This relationship will generally be rockier or less passionate than that with the Temporary Love Interest, allowing its end to be less dramatic. If someone is noted for getting extremely passionate about every Girl of the Week, sincerely believing each one in turn to be the love of their life but then forgetting all about them a week later, they're a Serial Romeo. Sometimes, particularly in a Walking the Earth series, there's no relationship, but the girl is shown having an obvious interest in the hero (which may be mutual) before he inevitably moves on.
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