Gunship Rescue/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Maxim 4: Close air support covereth a multitude of sins.
[...] Contextually, then, close air support is love.
Those same ancient texts say, at least in some places, that God is love.
[...] close air support is now God. [...]
Tagon's notes on margin:
3065.04.30 I've seen the face of god.
3065.05.06 That sounded clever, but if I'd actually
 been clever then I would have asked God some questions
 when his smiling face was raining death on my enemies.
But at the time it seemed pretty clever to keep my head down.

Maxim 36: When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.

Schlock Mercenary, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates"

"Legs": Tagon wouldn't loan us the refitted longboat. "You don't need a gunship" he said.

Schlock: How can anybody ever NOT need a gunship?

Sir, there's another ship coming in... it's the Enterprise!

You know me, General. I've always got a card to play.

Jim Raynor before three Banshees fly overhead, incinerating the oncoming Zerg

Utena: Where the hell are -our- reinforcements?
Klaang: Ask, my Captain, and ye shall receive! Challenger and support vessels inbound at high warp!
Utena: ETA?
Klaang: Would now do?

Let it never be said that a Chooser of the Slain doesn't know how to make a good entrance.