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Half-Life (series)/Tear Jerker

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The ending of Half Life 2 Episode 2, where Eli Vance is killed by a Combine Advisor. Made particularly tragic in that his last words is to tell his daughter to look away.
    • Alyx's heartbroken sobbing, begging her dad not to leave her as the screen goes dark and the credits begin crawling doesn't help matters either.
    • The fact that it happens right after you achieve your ultimate goal always got This Troper. Talk about bittersweet...
    • This Troper always felt that the scene with Winston in Half-Life 2 was one of the most depressing. Strange how that one rebel who isn't even dead is more depressing than the deaths of all the other Resistance members you see through the course of the game.
    • The fate of the rebels Sandy and Lazlo. If you manage to save Sandy, then he tells you to go on ahead, and that there's "something [he] has to do". The Tear Jerker is the fact that it sounds awfully like he's going to follow after his friend.
  • Fan content, but still sad and beautiful. Compounded by one of the video's comments:

A requiem.
For Winston, Lazlo, Eli Vance, and the rebel casualties in the war against the Combine.
For the billions of people killed by the Universal Union. For the civilization that took 10,000 years to build...and took 7 hours to be annhilated.
A requiem for humanity. A salute to the fallen. May the war go on, until humanity is free...or extinct.

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