Hawaii Five-0/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in Hawaii Five-0 include:

  • In the first episode when Steve's dad is killed while Steve is talking on the phone with him has to qualify for some.
  • Danny in "Malama Ka Aina" (episode 3) and Rachel threatening to take away Grace from him. The way he pleads at the end for her not to take Grace away (again) is just murder. Especially if you have father issues, and you hear this grown man begging his ex-wife to let him see his daughter because he loves her that much.

Danno: Rachel, just hear me out. Before you sic your lawyers on me, I wanna remind you of something. I moved 5,000 miles so that I could see Grace twice a week. Twice a week, okay? That is 48 hours, 52 times a year for a grand total of 2,500 hours. When you factor in sleep, and school, I can really only count on 400 hours of real face time each year. And ya know? That's only going to shrink as she starts making friends... Then she goes off to college... So ultimately that does not leave me with a lot of time to spend with my daughter. Not as much as I would want. But I never complained. I never complained. Because every single one of those minutes reminds me of what I am doing, and why I am here. That little girl is my life. So I am asking you- I am begging you to please- please just be kind. Don't take her away from me, that's all.

    • Rachel drops the petition. You may commence with the tears.
    • Later in that same episode, Steve just tells Danno "Maybe you're not as alone around here as you think Danno."
    • Steve finding out that his dad was at his football game. T_T
  • Chin's situation. Just, just Chin's situation. And what had to happen to his ex-fiancée Malia...

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