Heel Face Revolving Door: Difference between revisions

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(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
(→‎Video Games: spelling, added text)
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[City of Heroes]] Going Rogue'' allows you to ''live'' this Trope. You can go from being a Hero into a Villain back into a Hero, Wash Rinse Repeat. Ditto villains.
** The Rogue's Gallery enemy group consists of Heel Face Revolving Door consists of former members of the ''Paragon Heroes'' and ''Rogue Isles Villains'' enemies from Bank Missions with fleshed out personalities, as well as several prominent NPCs like Frostfire and MalestromMaelstrom. Many of these NPCs undergo alignment changes just like you do. Frostfire becomes a Hero, Polar Shift becomes a villain... But as the missions are random, it appears as if they're hopping all over the place, Just like you.
** Null the Gull in Pocket D will let you go from Hero to Villain and back again in the space of a few minutes.
* Oh [[Metal Gear Solid|Naomi!]] Do you even have a side?
* Theoretically ''you'' can take a spin in the Heel Face Revolving Door in just about any RPG with a morality system. Just alternate good choices and evil choices and voila.
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* Cole McGrath in ''[[Infamous (video game series)|In Famous]]'' due to the fact he has to decide on acting good or evil in outcomes.
* [[EarthBound|Porky]] uses this one every time you meet him; he'll claim he's willing to repent of his misdeeds until he gets an opening to make a getaway, and then he's right back to plotting against Ness. In the original Japanese it's implied that (at least the first time) he really was willing to make amends, but he took [[Heroic Mime|Ness' silence]] to mean he wasn't willing to forgive.
== Webcomics ==