Hot Mom/Oral Tradition

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Examples of Hot Moms in Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends include:

  • Classical Mythology:
    • Given her... promiscuity, Aphrodite had several children, including her sons Phobos and Deimos (via Ares), her daughter Harmonia (also Ares), Hermaphroditus[1] (Via Hermes), and another daughter, Rhode (via Poseidon). Some versions add the four Erotes (Eros, Anteros, Pothos, and Himeros) to the list of children she had with Ares.
    • While rarely described as "hot" as Aphrodite, Demeter clearly qualifies too, and also a savage Mama Bear after Persephone was abducted. Also, as a result of her fling with Poseidon when both assumed the form of horses (long story) she bore a son named Arion, who was a horse who could talk.
    • Helen of Troy, the Face that Launched a Thousand Ships; she had one daughter with her first husband - Hermione - and in some versions, three sons, Aethiolas, Maraphius, and Pleisthenes. After she eloped with Paris, they had three sons Bunomus, Corythus, and Idaeus, plus another daughter also named Helen.
    • Achilles mother was Tethis, queen of the nereids (sea nymphs) who were always depicted as beautiful.
    • Perseus' mother Danae was known to be very beautiful, and he was known to be protective of her and wary of any would-be suitors. The myth where the hero had to slay Medusa and recover her head was a Uriah Gambit orchestrated by an evil king who wanted him out of the way so he could marry Danae.

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  1. Yes, that is where the word "hermaphrodite" comes from.