Information for "Humanity Is Young"

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Display titleHumanity Is Young
Default sort keyHumanity Is Young
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Page ID99019
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Page creatorm>Import Bot
Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
Latest editorTBeholder (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit19:44, 13 July 2020
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So, you're a human, and you've just met a never-before-seen race of extraterrestrials, and chances are you feel quite insignificant compared to the hyper-advanced culture in front of you. Often, the species will appear Younger Than They Look, in order to make the surroundings feel more comfortable. The being will then kneel down in front in you and say, in a gentle, soothing voice something to the effect of "You humans are so young, yet in your short lifetime you have accompanied so much." In other cases, when confronted with multiple races, one group, usually a Five-Man Band, will be willing to accept the human, while the rest of the race dish out doses of Fantastic Racism. Contrast Earth Is Young, where the planet, not the species has been in existence for a short time, and We Are as Mayflies, which is about humans being young as individuals.
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