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(and then It Got (immeasurably) Worse)
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{{quote|''"Actually, what is WRONG with that entire GALAXY? Everyone in this movie is retarded. EVERYONE! No wonder one man was able to take over the whole shebang, he's manipulating a universe full of IDIOTS."''|[[The Distressed Watcher]], on the [[Star Wars]] universe, at least as portrayed in ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]''.}}
{{quote|There’s this thing in writing, where you couldn’t have a plot unless the characters are really stupid. You see it mostly in low budget horror movies. Where if the characters were smart, they wouldn’t get in trouble, but instead it’s like hey, there’s an axe murderer, let’s go off by ourselves to smoke pot and have sex. Yeah…. That’s this level of writing. The plot only exists because all the characters are too stupid to live.
| ''[ My Russian Bot Review of The Last Jedi]'' by Larry Correia }}
{{quote|''"Reading a story '''written''' by idiots is bad enough, but reading a story written by idiots that’s also '''about''' idiots is even worse."''|[ Fred Clark], criticizing ''[[Left Behind]]''}}