Information for "Jimmy Carter"

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Display titleJimmy Carter
Default sort keyJimmy Carter
Page length (in bytes)11,351
Namespace ID0
Page ID123668
Page content languageen - English
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Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Number of subpages of this page2 (0 redirects; 2 non-redirects)
Page imageJimmy Carter crop.jpg

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Edit history

Page creatorm>Import Bot
Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
Latest editorLooney Toons (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit15:51, 17 February 2023
Total number of edits24
Recent number of edits (within past 180 days)0
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Considering that it happened more than thirty years ago, a look around the Internet will astonish many readers with just how firmly James Earl "Jimmy" Carter's presidency remains in Your Mileage May Vary territory. Conservatives declare that his watch was a mess, while liberals assert that he inherited a mess (Why does that sound familiar?): the huge Vietnam War deficit, an economy that for the first time ever suffered rampant inflation while stagnating, and a national post-Vietnam, post-Watergate funk which was described as a "malaise" -- a word that is hung around his neck by conservative commentators (and The Simpsons) to this day, though Carter himself never actually used it. "Stagflation" was exacerbated by the 1979 oil crisis; long gas lines and high energy costs contributed to the national unhappiness. In an attempt to lead by example, the President lowered the thermostats in the White House and donned sweaters to keep warm instead -- which became for many a hated symbol of the lifestyle sacrifices which they believed his policies had made necessary.
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