Joe Hisaishi/Awesome Music

Revision as of 08:01, 10 January 2023 by Ilikecomputers (talk | contribs) ("This video contains content from Studio Ghibli Inc., who has blocked it on copyright grounds"... so how about a non blocked video?)

Joe Hisaishi is the composer for some of the most beloved films from Hayao Miyazaki, and his soundtracks, just like Miyazaki's films themselves, has stood the test of time. That said, these songs elevate them above the rest of the pack, and ascend into a new realm of awesomeness. Keep in mind that Studio Ghibli is strict in terms of copyright, so pieces on non-official channels may not be available.

Note that the majority of these are instrumental, orchestral pieces. If you're looking for Autobots Rock Out electric guitar music, this isn't the place.

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