• Dawson Casting
  • Fake American: Shot in Canada, starring two Canadian actors, but set in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: The movie features Elektra, Kitty Pryde, and J. Jonah Jameson (or Vern Schillinger). Along with Michael, and George Michael. And Dwight Shrute. And C.J. Cregg.
  • Old Shame: Since people thought that the film was pro-life, Diablo Cody regretted writing the film since she is a pro-choice woman.
  • The Red Stapler: Juno caused what was, by all accounts, a staggering demand for hamburger-shaped phones. According to a New York Post article just after the film's release, burgerphone had a huge rise of 759% in a month.
  • What Could Have Been: Diablo Cody's script originally called for Juno to say nothing and just burst into gut-wrenching sobs upon seeing Bleeker for the first time after she gives birth. Some think this would have been more emotional for the audience, as we fully see the reality of the situation crash down upon Juno. However, this might have been too emotional, and may have made the audience want to see Juno keep the baby instead of Vanessa. Or feel less like a resolution as we get much less of the feeling that Juno's going to be alright, which may have been why it was replaced with a more upbeat scene ("nice legs").