• True to form, Flash is the main exporter. Whenever bad guys are involved, it frequently turns into a Crowning Moment of Awesome as well. His treatment of Evil Black Canary is perhaps the best example.
  • Good Lex, especially when first visiting Earth-1. He ensures the Justice League is summoned by mock-threatening to blow up the world, and when they arrive, he has stripped naked to demonstrate he's not armed.

Flash: Whoa! And they call me "The Flash".


Superman (Good!Lex starts to stand up): Hold it... pants.

  • Batman using the experimental teleporter to transport Flash to the Watchtower, and then stealing his pretzel.
  • Evil Jimmy Olsen. Just... Evil Jimmy Olsen.
  • When fighting Johnny Quick, Quick starts picking up bits of jagged debris and hurling them toward Flash at supersonic speeds. Not only does Flash catch every single piece, he REASSEMBLES them and tosses the repaired part to Quick. Cue "Bugger."
  • Flash picking up Scream Queen, running on water, and then he just puts her down in the water, and runs back.
  • Flash asking Wonder Woman why she even needs to keep the invisible jet if she can fly and then having Hal Jordan point out he drives a car in his civilian life.
    • Even more funny if you take into account this line from Justice League (which the movie was originally meant to be in-continuity):

Green Lantern (to Flash who bought himself a van): Why do you need a van... wait, I don't wanna know.

  • Green Lantern's skittishness upon being charged with going to Earth-3 and cleaning up. "I'm essentially a beat cop, I think another universe might be out of my jurisdiction."
  • Ultraman, after Batman returns from Earth Prime (paraphrasing)

Ultraman: You saved the world. Good for you. Now get your asses off my moon.

  • Superwoman, after catching Batman when he chased her back to her own world, reviews some of the other worlds she could send him to:

Superwoman: Hmm, here's a world where humanity has mutated into hideous creatures of the night... No, you might enjoy that one.

    • Also a Fridge Brilliance Continuity Nod; there's several DC Comics Elseworlds stories that have Batman either fighting vampires or turning into a vampire. Furthermore, the general concept behind the Batman villain "Man-Bat", a humanoid bat, is that he was a man who admired bats and/or Batman so much he transformed himself into a hybrid of man and bat.