Justice League of America/YMMV

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  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Tomorrow Woman of Grant Morrison's run on JLA. Originally debuting and making a Heroic Sacrifice in the same issue, she was so popular she reappeared in a special one-shot dedicated to her, was briefly brought back in Hourman #2 by the main character, and then was brought back in Trinity, where she was permanently revived as a human woman with superpowers after the series ended.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The latest version of Justice League International after Flashpoint.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Imagine if you will, a Cosmic Entity who is the spawn of the first sentient being who existed in the cosmos, insanely ancient, insanely powerful, and insanely evil! The dreaded Agemno] was such a fiend, who appeared in… all of eight issues. While responsible for what was likely the darkest chapter in the League’s history (his brief body-swap with Batman resulting in the hero developing a number of contingency plans to take down the JLA and other heroes should they go rogue, as revealed in Tower of Babel) he really hasn’t done much else; very much wasted potential for someone who, if used properly, could rival Darkseid in terms of power and potential.