Karma Houdini/Quotes

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Director of Green: We've been dumping into the water supply for years. Yesterday, a giant mutated alligator destroyed our competitor's only factory.
CEO: Now that Karma has been discredited, what else can we pollute?

Director of Green: The sky's the limit.
"The wicked flee when none pursueth."
"Frustrating, isn't it? Best not to think too hard about me, or you'll end up giving yourself apoplexy."
Jarlaxle in a cameo, Baldur's Gate 2

Tagon: That man could turn his own death into a tactical advantage.

Kevyn: I've done that before. It hurts, but its not actually all that difficult.
Schlock Mercenary, on Xinchub going from slave to king in the space of a year

Everywhere you go
Law abidin' folk
Doing what is decent but they're mostly broke!
Singing to the Lord on Sundays, praying for the gifts he sends!

But we're the ones who take it, we're the ones who make it in the end!
The Threnadiers, Les Misérables
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone."

Daphne: "You won't get away with this!"

Simone: "I've been getting away with it for 200 years!"

I'm the new folk hero of the Ku Klux Klan
My cop friends think that's fine
You can get away with murder if you've got a badge
I fought the law and I won, I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won

I am the law so I won
Dead Kennedys, "I Fought the Law"

Yousuke: Damn it, he killed Sempai, and now Nanako-chan... And the bastard's gonna walk away without paying for what he did!
Yukiko: That's not right...!
Naoto: ...

Rise: Why...? What is he the one that gets to go on living?
—Part of the party of Persona 4, talking about Namatame.
That's right: Agrippina's life was saved by a combination of slavery and hedonism. We'll say it again: Karma is bullshit.
"When you reach out for Roman, he's not there."
"Your continued existence is a mockery of morality."
Bartleby, Dogma