YMMV Tropes present throughout the entire series:

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Every single song in the entirety of both games, to an extent. Some of them can even be manipulated to change which track components get played. And they just keep adding more. Players who really know what they're doing can compose their own music with Music Note Objects and a few hundred Magnetic Keys.
    • The music for the LBP 2 announcement trailer, Sleepyhead by Passion Pit. Also an Ear Worm. Though, they didn't use the entire song, they just used the part that most people know, the 'Fairy Chanting' bits that are really only in parts of that song. Did you even know it had lyrics?
    • A listing of songs from the LBP2 Beta, complete with snippets of each and links to the full song.
    • LittleBigPlanet 2 has funk remixes of Also Sprach Zarathustra and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.
    • Custom music creation has been simplified (and made much more Thermo-efficient) in LBP2 with the Music Sequencer.
  • Ear Worm: Every single song in the entirety of both games at least the PSP game, to an extent. Or: Play Be unfortunate enough to get stuck with the PSP demo repeatedly.
  • Good Bad Bug: LittleBigPlanet has a huge range of Good Bad Bugs! One of the most spectaculer is the '3D' bug, which lets players build with 50 more layers (although it's really tricky to use, but the makes the level amazingly beautiful if used correctly!) and is still not fixed. Another, which HAS been fixed is the constipated sackboy where the player chooses the 'reset button' holding it down and then pressing START the START Menu would block the screen so only your friends could see the paused player. The Glowing Sackboy glitch let the player glow with a sackboy skeleton, going well with the zombie-sack knit.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: Stephen Fry's narration. As Yahtzee described it as: "[feeling] like a velvet finger soaked in warm honey being gently worked around your earhole. I SAID EARHOLE!"
  • Nightmare Fuel: The series actually has quite a bit of this, some of it's subtle... but there are other things that aren't, such as the Ego Stickers you can obtain in LBP 2.
  • Living Toy: Sack people definitely look the part and are made of the right materials, but they don't seem to have ever been intended to be a toy in-verse.

YMMV Little Big Planet 1 Tropes:

  • Anticlimax Boss: The Collector is actually rather easy to beat, possibly to make up for the Bunker...
  • Best Level Ever: There's bound to be one you enjoy.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Many relatively harmless glitches have been discovered and used by creative players:
    • The 3D Glitch: Allows you to build extra layers both in front of and behind the standard layers. However, player movement is still restricted to the main 3 layers. Possibly the most-used and most famous glitch of LittleBigPlanet.
    • Anti-Color: A fun little glitch that made certain kinds of Sponge look like Glass while still keeping the stitches. Since Glass is invisible behind other pieces of Glass, this left only the stitches visible. Fixed in Cornish Yarg, though the objects themselves still work; you just can't create them anymore.
    • Material Properties Glitch: By changing an object into Horrible Gas, using the Material Changer, and delethalizing the object, you could make an object with the physical properties of the first material, while having the texture of the second. Could be used to make things like Floaty Metal, movable Dark Matter, etc. Fixed, but pre-existing "changed" objects still work.
      • Similarly, doing this on the PSP without delethalizing it allows for the material's texture to be transferred into gas form.
    • Non-Lethal Spikes: It is possible to smash the lethal part of a spike object without destroying the whole object, though it is hard to do. Still works, but not used often.
    • Gravity Glitch: Very few people know how it works. It involves Pistons, and that's about all that's commonly known.
      • There's another, simpler version of this glitch that only affects individual platforms, allowing the gravity to change from jump to jump.
  • Hype Aversion: So anticipated, its fans praised to the point of annoyance before it was released.
  • Internet Backdraft: The aforementioned Bowdlerization.
  • Offending the Creator's Own: The song that had the Qu'ran verses that "might offend Muslims"? It was composed by... a Muslim.
    • To be honest, said verses were about Doomsday, and it was an E-Rated game, soooo...
  • That One Level: Two. The Bunker was obscenley difficult and Boom Town had players draging highly sensitive explosives through an obstacle course.
  • Ugly Cute: The Collector.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The racial stereotypes.

YMMV Little Big Planet 2 Tropes:

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Clive Handforth.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The Grappler. Dear God the Grappler. If you try to swing back and forth to gather momentum, you will end up reeling yourself up into whatever you're hooked onto 95% of the time.
  • That One Level: While there's nothing on the level of The Bunker, there are a few that are infuriating to ace, especially two-part levels.
  • This Is Sparta: The Negativitron's "You. Created! ME!!!" line certainly qualifies.