• Accidental Innuendo: Near the end of the game, Daos shouts out, "You little hoochees [sic]!" In case they didn't know, a "hoochie" is a slang term for a woman who, let's say, is kind of... promiscuous. No wonder Natsume unknowingly got crap past the radar.
  • Cult Classic: When old-school gamers reminisce fondly about the classic Lufia series, what they're actually thinking of is this game.
  • Good Bad Bugs: If you have the money for it and sleep at an inn, they will charge you the normal price. If you don't, you sleep free.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The constant Item Get! jingles in the Ancient Cave can get pretty grating after a while.
  • That One Boss: The Tarantulas, though weak to fire, can be a real pain due to the fact that it can inflict poison and paralysis. It can also summon spiders to assist in battle.
  • That One Puzzle: The third Reversi puzzle in the Treasure Sword shrine, in the non-Japanese versions.