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{{quote| '''Kyle:''' Wendy - you ''didn't''!<br />
{{quote| '''Kyle:''' Wendy - you ''didn't''!<br />
'''Wendy:''' I told her... [[This Is Sparta|Don't. Fuck. With. Wendy.]] '''[[This Is Sparta|Testaberger!]]''' }}
'''Wendy:''' I told her... [[This Is Sparta|Don't. Fuck. With. Wendy.]] '''[[This Is Sparta|Testaberger!]]''' }}
* ''[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars]]'' has its fair share of crafty villains making the most out of the chaos caused by the titular Clone Wars, including the very man orchestrating the conflict to begin with.
* ''[[Star Wars the Clone Wars]]'': Pirate leader Hondo Ohnaka seems like a drunken, idiotic pirate at first. However, so far he's managed to capture the very powerful trio of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku in an attempt to ransom them to the Republic. Dooku never truly explains how he was captured (only warning the Jedi that Hondo's more clever than he looks), and Hondo manages to drug Anakin and Obi-Wan even after they are aware he's trying to do so and take measures to avoid it. During their attempts to escape, [[Affably Evil|Hondo keeps his jovial personality and insists that it's nothing personal, and that once he has his money they can all go back to being friends]].
** Pirate leader Hondo Ohnaka seems like a drunken, idiotic thug at first. However, so far he's managed to capture the very powerful trio of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku in an attempt to ransom them to the Republic. Dooku never truly explains how he was captured (only warning the Jedi that Hondo's more clever than he looks), and Hondo manages to drug Anakin and Obi-Wan even after they are aware he's trying to do so and take measures to avoid it. During their attempts to escape, [[Affably Evil|Hondo keeps his jovial personality and insists that it's nothing personal, and that once he has his money they can all go back to being friends]]. He goes on to be a thorn in the heroes' side ''and'' an unexpected ally, and ends the series having humiliated {{spoiler|Darth ''freaking'' Maul}} by stealing his treasure and getting away with mouthing off to him to boot.
** How about Palpatine? He's responsible for engineering this entire massive war and will win ''regardless which side triumphs,'' either with the Republic as the Chancellor or the Separatists as Darth Sidious, with a powerful new sith follower (either Dooku or Anakin) as icing on the cake.
*** Even better, he'd still be an active player during the Original Trilogy ''and'' Sequel Trilogy eras, regularly ripping off the Empire and the First Order while further enriching himself and never losing his goofy yet lovable demeanor.
** How about Palpatine? He's responsible for engineering this entire massive war and will win ''regardless which side triumphs,'' either with the Republic as the Chancellor or the Separatists as Darth Sidious, with a powerful new Sith follower (either Dooku or Anakin) as icing on the cake.
** While most Separatist leaders are ineffective wimps, cowards, or arrogant idiots, the same does ''not'' apply to Riff Tamson. A brutal [[Ambadassador]] whose cruelty and rudeness are tempered by [[Genius Bruiser|a keen tactical mind]], he successfully manipulates the populace of Mon Calamari into fighting a costly civil war where he's often seen fighting on the front lines, and is quick to catch on to any strategies the Jedi employ before decisively shutting them down. Even when he loses, he puts up a hell of a fight and only dies at the last possible second.
** In sharp contrast to his role as [[The Brute]] in ''The Phantom Menace'', {{spoiler|Darth Maul}} makes a very impressive power play once his sanity is restored. {{spoiler|He orchestrates Deathwatch's takeover of Mandalore via his web of quickly-formed alliances in the criminal underworld, seizes control from Pre Vizsla by taking advantage of the Mandalorians' [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] culture and killing him in a duel that he can't back down from, and avenges his defeat at Obi-Wan's hands by forcing him to watch as he murders his [[Love Interest]]. While Palpatine outplays him in the cruelest way possible, you can't deny that Maul's a dangerous [[Chessmaster]] in his own right!}}
** Cad Bane's as ruthless and stylish as they come, being a bounty hunter who could give Boba Fett a run for his money in the [[Evil Is Cool]] department. The guy dresses, acts, and fights like a villain straight from a Western movie, for crying out loud! And yet he's one of the series' most effective villains, and regularly pulls off tightly-planned heists and assassinations while surviving multiple fights against powerful Jedi knights, and the rare times where he ''is'' defeated are always followed by him eventually bouncing back without missing a beat.
*** While a profit-driven thug and bonafide sociopath, he's got his own twisted sense of honor. When fellow [[The Sociopath|cold-blooded killer]] Moralo Eval tries to murder "Rako Hardeen" (in reality a disguised Obi-Wan) through sabotaging an arena challenge, he saves "Hardeen"'s life and forces Eval to properly fight him while dropping ''this'' zinger of a one-liner.
{{quote|"If you're gonna kill him, ''do it like a man.''"}}
* Ed Wuncler Sr. from [[The Boondocks]] is a combination of this [[Complete Monster]] and [[The Chessmaster]]. And keep in mind this is a fat, rich old man, who would normally not be the least bit threatening but let's look at all the shit he's done shall we?
* Ed Wuncler Sr. from [[The Boondocks]] is a combination of this [[Complete Monster]] and [[The Chessmaster]]. And keep in mind this is a fat, rich old man, who would normally not be the least bit threatening but let's look at all the shit he's done shall we?
** He opened a restaurant using illegal workers and Robert as his [[Unwitting Pawn]], knowing full well the restaurant's food was so addictive it would turn the nearby park into a cesspool of crime, thus lowering the property values so he could buy the land for dirt cheap.
** He opened a restaurant using illegal workers and Robert as his [[Unwitting Pawn]], knowing full well the restaurant's food was so addictive it would turn the nearby park into a cesspool of crime, thus lowering the property values so he could buy the land for dirt cheap.