Mama Bear: Difference between revisions

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* Played with on ''[[Quantum Leap]]'' since the mom in question was actually Sam Beckett in the mom's body.
* An episode of ''[[Eureka]]'' begins with Tiny, a NASA-commissioned Titan rover, chasing Carter, Fargo, Grant, and Alison's son Kevin. When the episode returns to this scene at the end, it ends with Kevin pinned to the ground, Tiny looming over him, and resident Mama Bear Alison yelling "Get away from him, you bitch!" It's not until Tiny repeats the line ''back'' to Allison that everyone realizes that Tiny wanted EMO, a little robot with emotional attachment programming that was to be Kevin's parenting class assignment. Tiny had downloaded said programming earlier that day, and bonded with EMO when it wandered into her storage lab. But she had NOT given consent to her new "baby" going camping with the guys.
* Mrs. Torres from ''[[Degrassi]]''. Overlaps with [[My Beloved Smother]] - she's quite controlling of her football-jock older son and still coming to grips with her <s> daughter</s> [[Pronoun Trouble|younger son's]] [[Transsexualism|transgenderismtransgender]]ism, but if ''anyone else'' messes with them she ''will'' make their life miserable (and the school principal's as well, for good measure).
* Of all people, Pam Fields from the TV series ''[[Pretty Little Liars]]'' (adapted from the book series). Sure, she's trying to come to grips with her daughter's being a [[Schoolgirl Lesbian]], but when Paige's father says that Emily became the captain of the swim team ''because'' she's a lesbian, she lets him have it. Arguably her [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. (Especially considering her earlier behavior towards her daughter's sexuality.)
* Shal in ''[[The Outer Limits]]'' episode ''Rite Of Passage''. She's a perfectly ordinary human that convinces her husband to help her rebel against their alien caretakers after their baby is confiscated. {{spoiler|The aliens did that because thay felt that they were better equipped to care for it. After realizing that it is no excuse for separating a mother from her child, they apologise and return the baby.}}
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* [ A 2-year-old Chinese girl falls off a 10-store window. A young woman rushes to her and manages to catch her. Sorta.]
* On July 26, 2011, a miniature horse ran away from a mother hen in hot pursuit. Apparently the horse had a nosy tendency that didn't sit well with the Mama Bear hen.
* Cherilyn Sarkisian aka [[Cher]], too. Mama Cher does NOT''not'' like it when her female-to-male [[Transsexualismtransgender]] son Chaz Bono is harassed, [ and recently used her twitter to defend him against "stupid bigots"].
* Anna Timofeevna Gagarina, mother of [[Yuri Gagarin]]. Getting between her and her children was [[Berserk Button|not a good idea]]. During [[World War II]], she verbally and [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse|almost physically bested]] an armed and considerably larger [[Nazi Germany|German soldier]] who [[Would Hurt a Child|attempted to hang the youngest son Boris from a tree]]—needless to say he was quickly released to her. Apparently, before Yuri's funeral, she demanded the casket [[Brain Bleach|be opened]].
* [ This Oklahoma woman].