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* The ridiculous [[Speaking Simlish|simlish]] mumble in ''[[Banjo-Kazooie]]'' was so well loved that by the time Rareware had the money and technology to do full-on voice acting in the up-and-coming sequel, the fans wouldn't hear of it. The corny mumbling was part of what endeared the ''Banjo'' series to them. Rare noted the fans' remarks, and opted to [[Grandfather Clause|keep the mumble]].
** Similarly, ''[[Okami]]'' has a gibberish language for all of the characters, but for many this fits the game's painterly style of graphics. Oh, and also because all human characters don't have mouths, and instead their heads stretch and squash to indicate that they're speaking.
* People in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' fandom who complain about the guy covered in bees, the [[No Fourth Wall|fourth wall breaking]], the possessed arm, Big Boss being defeated by an aerosol can and a lighter or the "poison Zanzibar hamsters" (or even the endless melodramatic dialogue) are usually quietly resented (read: pitied) by the other people in the ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' fandom, who love the games because they're really quite silly. Check out [[Narm/Video GameGames|Video Game Narm]], and notice the sheer proportion of the page dedicated to ''[[Metal Gear]]'', and you'll get some idea.
** When the [[Hideo Kojima|creator]] is notoriously irreverent of his creation, the best response is to be a totally irreverent fan. It all becomes quite charming with that mindset.
* ''[[House of the Dead]]'' is well known for its bad voice acting. ("Suffer like G Did?"). The latest game in the series, ''[[House of the Dead]] OVERKILL'', took the [[Narm]] football, ran it back for a touchdown, and ended up with a perfectly corny narrator, a [[Bond One-Liner]] dropping agent, and a [[Cluster F-Bomb]] dropping detective. [[Painting the Fourth Wall|Not to mention the deliberate]] [[Grindhouse|grindhouse B-Movie look for the game and cutscenes...]]