Never Smile At a Crocodile: Difference between revisions

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** Module U2 ''Danger at Dunwater''. The [[Player Character|PCs]] can encounter ordinary crocodiles as wandering monsters in the marshes. It's possible that the [[PC|PCS]] may be sent to kill a giant crocodile that's been threatening the lizard men.
** Module EX1 ''Dungeonland''. If the PCs go around the Pool of Tears, they'll be attacked by a giant crocodile.
** One of the worst examples is the Oblivion Maw in the ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'', a gigantic crocodile lurking around White Plume Mountain. Anything eaten by it ends up in the Swamp of Oblivion (part of the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze) but should anyone actually ''want'' to go to that place, there are far safer methods.
* Some of Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying System games had crocodiles.
** ''Stormbringer'' had both small and large crocodilians. The PCs could encounter them if they went through "The Hall of Risk" adventure in the ''Stormbringer Companion'' supplement.