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Hey, that guy is going to [[Mind Control]] you or try to fool you with an illusion! Maybe, if you focus and struggle against his power, you can -- !
Hey, that guy is going to [[Mind Control]] you or try to fool you with an illusion! Maybe, if you focus, get someone to yell [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight|"I know you're in there somewhere"]] at the top of their lungs, struggle against his power, you can -- !

Um, no.

Just no.

Normally in fiction, powers have some chance of failure, whether through lack of skill, [[Heroic Willpower]] on the part of the would-be victim, or [[Competitive Balance|some other factor]] that does not make the power 100% effective. But some powers are such that they work automatically if they hit, regardless of any special defenses, resistances, or countermeasures the person on the receiving end may have. You can't [[Glamour Failure|see through the illusion]], you can't cure the [[Universal Poison|poison]], you can't [[Fighting From the Inside|resist the mind control]], people hit by the [[Disintegrator Ray]] die instantly 100% of the time no matter [[Plot Armor|how important they are.]]
Normally in fiction, powers have some chance of failure, whether through lack of skill, [[Heroic Willpower]] on the part of the would-be victim, or [[Competitive Balance|some other factor]] that does not make the power 100% effective. But some powers are such that they work automatically if they hit, regardless of any special defenses, resistances, or countermeasures the person on the receiving end may have. You can't [[Glamour Failure|see through the illusion]], you can't cure the [[Universal Poison|poison]], you can't [[Fighting From the Inside|resist the mind control]], people hit by the [[Disintegrator Ray]] die instantly 100% of the time no matter [[Plot Armor|how important they are.]]