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{{quote|'''Rebecca:''' "Face it Baloo, you're too gullible, [[Tempting Fate|I would never fall for something like that, no possible way...]]"}}
* Aunt Amy of ''[[Daria]]'' was once brought in to settle a dispute between her sisters, with the expectation that, as a smart, detached outsider of the family she could easily resolve the petty conflict without getting drawn in. It took her all of thirty seconds to join the bickering, leaving Daria and Quinn to solve the problem themselves.
** "The Teachingsnormally ofstoic DonDaria Jake",gets the family goesin on ait campingduring trip"The toTeachings helpof Don Jake with his stressed induced health problems. In the beginning, Daria tells Quinn to get the camera". Daria cracks a joke about the congress asking Jake for $250 billion a year for the military, causing a blood vessel in Jake's eye to burst, then tells Quinn to go get the camera. This prompts a camping trip in order to help Jake with his stress-induced health problems. At the end of the episode, {{spoiler|Jake's blood vessel in his eye bursts again upon seeing the bill for their rescue after eating wild berries. Daria again tells Helen to get Jake's medicine... and Quinn to go get the camera.}}
* Twilight Sparkle from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' likes to regard herself as the [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Mare]]: her first impression of the citizens of Ponyville is "All the ponies in this town are ''crazy!''" However, Twilight frequently displays lapses in judgment either due to her social awkwardness or her almost-obsessive need to make a good impression on her mentor, Princess Celestia.
** In "The Ticket Master", Spike calls the Gala "girly frou-frou nonsense," but once everyone is out of sight, is upset at being the only one without a ticket. Celestia sends down one for him, and he immediately [[Squee]]s, only to be caught by Applejack.