Nuzlocke Comics/Heartwarming

Main Series:

Freddy's Nuzlocke Adventures:

landwalker's Nuzlocke:

  • Regardless of how it ended, Rikishi popping out of his Pokeball of his own free will to take a lethal Hyper Beam for Ninio is definitely a qualifier here.

A Petty Nuzlocke Challenge:

  • Watch.
  • Spuds and Barb adopt a Togepi egg at long last, since Nidoqueen's inability to breed meant they couldn't have kids of their own.
  • Pretty much everything involving Spuds and Barb, save for maybe some of their more shallow interactions early on. Special note goes to the end of the Christmas Episode and their aforementioned egg adoption.
  • And so it ends. (watch the videos!)
  • The Christmas strip.

Sanguine Sapphire

  • Roxanne visiting May after their battle resulted in Marie and Claire's deaths, and the exchange between them that helps May come to terms with what happened. Given how gym leaders who kill somebody's starter are generally depicted, the compassion and caring she shows is really refreshing to see, as is May admitting her own arrogance played a role.

Sparradile's Nuzlocke Challenge:

  • Pepsi, after being raised into a Nidoking, finally has to admit to Chan that he's not poisonous. Chan replies that he's never been anything but helpful to the party, and all this means is that she can hug him without risk of being poisoned by his spikes.

Paratroop's Nuzlocke Challenge:

  • Paratroop writes a postcard to her mother, who has difficulty with going outside, and mentions a gift she left for her in the garden. the gift is a picture of Para and her parents at a picnic signed, "Remember us being outside, I missed that-P"

Kynim's Nuzlocke Challenges:

  • YMMV, but Fantina's "shape up" lecture to Kynim after the latter's pyrrhic victory at Hearthome Gym, along with providing a doll to symbolically bury Tyrus, was quite touching in a tough-love kind of way.
  • In White version, Elesa taking Bianca to talk to Social Services about her father's abusive behavior.
  • Jordan and Mimi's blossoming romance can almost always lead to a big case of d'aww.
