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== [[Fan Works]] ==
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Voldemort in the ''[[Worm]]/[[Harry Potter]]'' crossover fic ''[[A Wand for Skitter]]''. Taylor comments several times that even though by age thirteen she has killed more Death Eaters faster than any other single individual in the Wizarding World, Voldemort himself seems more than a little reticent to go after her personally. (Part of the reason for this is that he thinks she's [[Just a Kid]] with [[The Man Behind the Man|a backer]] who's really responsible for her kills.) She actually mocks him for it when they finally come face-to-face at the end of the story. (Surprisingly, he takes her mockery in good humor. "I've been busy," he replies.)
* Voldemort in the ''[[Worm]]/[[Harry Potter]]'' crossover fic ''[[A Wand for Skitter]]''. Taylor comments several times that even though by age thirteen she has killed more Death Eaters faster than any other single individual in the Wizarding World, Voldemort himself seems more than a little reticent to go after her personally. (Part of the reason for this is that he thinks she's [[Just a Kid]] with [[The Man Behind the Man|a backer]] who's really responsible for her kills.) She actually mocks him for it when they finally come face-to-face at the end of the story. (Surprisingly, he takes her mockery in good humor. "I've been busy," he replies.)
^ Deconstructed in Shadowchasers: Ascension. The heroes expect [[Big Bad]] Jalie Squarefoot the Lich-Fiend (a demon whose goal [[Apotheosis]]) to be this type of villain, only for Jalie to first confront them around the mid-point of the story:

{{quote|'''[[The Lancer| Jeb:]]''' Jalie Squarefoot!
'''Jalie:''' You expected someone different?
'''[[The Chick| Ophelia:]]''' Well, kind of… We kind of expected to have to fight a whole slew of your henchmen before running into you…
'''Jalie:''' [[Deadpan Snarker| If I was the stereotypical bad guy, I might do things that way… But such people never become gods… They only become servants of gods, [[Surrounded by Idiots| like those two moronic Doomdreamers. Seeing as all the spells I cast on them have been forcibly broken, they must be dead now. Good riddance is all I can say… [[Ambition Is Evil| I've always been ambitious…]] It was ambition that caused me to gain the rank of pit fiend… It was ambition that let me earn a high position in the court of [[Demon Lords and Archdevils| Mephistopheles.]] And it will be ambition that causes me to assume my rightful place among the highest tiers of the heavens...}}

== [[Film]] ==
== [[Film]] ==