< Oreimo
- Not once does anyone, including most of the fanbase, question Kirino's sexuality, only whether she has a complex about her big brother or not - even though the activity that kicks the whole story to a start is playing erotic games that focus on pretty girls.
- Really? To me, Anime!Kirino's in a fucking Transparent Closet.
- Some people hate Kirino in general. She's a popular middle schooler who's also in a club, and a supermodel, and an Otaku Surrogate, and has an older brother that helps her for apparently no reason other than having a Big Brother Instinct... yet she's mean to everyone, shows no kindness toward her brother's aid, and always gets her way. Plus, it turns out get got a badly-written novel published that became a best-seller, and now, is becoming an anime. Yeah, not a good choice for one of the main characters.
- That last bit seems to be a commentary on the lousy quality of recent light novels and moe anime series, rather than a positive quality of her character. If the series is any good, it's about her growing as a person, and her brother realizing that he should let her face some dissapointments on her own. If not, the series really doesn't have a point.
- Not to mention that last point happened in a filler episode written by the anime staff, so I shouldn't look too much into that.
- That last bit seems to be a commentary on the lousy quality of recent light novels and moe anime series, rather than a positive quality of her character. If the series is any good, it's about her growing as a person, and her brother realizing that he should let her face some dissapointments on her own. If not, the series really doesn't have a point.
- Who would be the titular character? The title refers to Kirino, but it uses a first person pronoun making it a phrase stated by Kyousuke. Or is it neither since the title doesn't name names?
- "Titular" character means "the one mentioned in title itself". There is only one main character who could say this line, which is Kyousuke, who has only one little sister- Kirino. And he cant believe she can be cute. How hard is that to understand?
- "The one mentioned in the title itself" does not mean "the person saying the title". Indeed, for most titular characters, there's nothing to say it's specifically them saying it; for that matter, most titles probably aren't usually thought of as being 'said' at all; it's just that this one clearly is.
- I'd argue that there is no titular character since there weren't any specific names, but the explanation above makes more sense.
- Funny, it reminds of a certain Light Novel series with same problem...
- "Titular" does no always mean "Main".
- They're both titular characters. Kirino is the titular imōto (little sister), Kyōsuke is the titular ore (I, or 'my' in keeping with the translation of the whole title). So, there is no the titular character; there are two distinct ones.
- "Titular" character means "the one mentioned in title itself". There is only one main character who could say this line, which is Kyousuke, who has only one little sister- Kirino. And he cant believe she can be cute. How hard is that to understand?
- Why, why do we have to wait so long for the true end? By the time it's out, most of the fandom just won't care.
- Simple really. Good end had a very typical (and the most expected) ending to the series. It shows Kirino as the main heroine and goes with that. Judging by the first episode of the "True", the focus will now be on Kuroneko, making it divert from what would be expected.
- Also, the series can be seen as a deconstruction of the siscon genre: the good ending finishes it up with some ship tease with the sister, being more typical for a siscon series. It's true end subverts this by giving a more "realistic" ending with the sister having only platonic feelings towards her brother and changing the love interest to someone more practical.
- Most of the fandom won't care? The true end is the one that follows the novels, so I'd say the fandom will care. Never underestimate fandom loyalty.
- Maybe age laws are different or something and I am woefully uninformed, but why is Kirino, a middle-schooler, legally allowed to buy eroge?
- The same way sufficiently mature-looking teenagers get away with buying porn -- she lies about her age.
- Supposedly, the eroge industry was very pissed that the anime made it looked it was easy for underage minors to buy eroge, while it's hard to buy eroge as a minor in RealLife.
- That one shop from episode 3 seemed to have a "don't ask don't tell" policy, plus it seems that Kirino buys most of her eroge online; she probably found a source that doesn't check IDs(Japanese Ebay?).
- The story is about a middle school girl who plays eroge, I am quite surprise that the Moral Guardian didn't ban this series already. I am glad they didn't!
- Why is Kirino's dad the bad guy for trying to stop a minor from playing eroge? His reasons might be strawman material, but his motivation is still sound.
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