Paperinik New Adventures/YMMV

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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: in the series' native country, at least, when the complete series (PKNA, PK^2 and PK) started coming out in trade paperbacks (three issues per volume, for a total of 36 volumes) released weekly, starting in February 2012.
  • Bellisarios Maxim: Almost everything regarding Time Travel.
  • Fan Dumb: Some readers in the internet still complain about how in PK 2 Paperinik looks like he's not concerned at all about Uno's disappearance. Never heard about Stepford Smiler, guys?
  • Foe Yay: Paperinik and the Raider.I mean,Pk litteraly cries over the Raider's death,and the Raider ask him to explain that to his son.
  • Genius Bonus: In issue 39, Uno creates for Paperinik a fake identity as a professor of mechanical avunculogratulation, an idea he got from one of his favourite books.
  • Periphery Demographic: The comic was intended for 10-12 years old,but gained a large following between college students.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Xari (Xadhoom's ex boyfriend]]) and the Xerbian race in general are not seen well by a large slice of the fandom.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Xadhoom is costantly mean,bitter and abrasive to everybody,including Paperinik,and thinks of Uno as nothing more than a machine.You'll still want to give her a hug,and the hell to solarburn.