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[[File:pikmin-2-wallpaper-big.jpg|frame|[[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Aren't they adorable?]] [[You Bastard|Now go order them to die in the name of your capitalist society.]] ]]
{{quote|''Let's make a game based entirely around micromanagement.''}}
{{quote|''Let's make a game where every moment must be spent efficiently or else it can't be completed at all; any wasted time means a growing anxiety of being able to finish. All your units must be fragile enough that a literal stray wind will severely debilitate them, and every enemy must be powerful enough to steamroll through and obliterate your entire squad in an instant if left unchecked. Let's make a game that forces you to spend several hours and superfluous effort to reach a goal that, if not reached correctly, will cease to exist.''}}
{{quote|''Hell, while we're at it, let's put a time limit on the whole thing. ''}}
{{quote|''Let's make a game where every moment must be spent efficiently or else it can't be completed at all; any wasted time means a growing anxiety of being able to finish. All your units must be fragile enough that a literal stray wind will severely debilitate them, and every enemy must be powerful enough to steamroll through and obliterate your entire squad in an instant if left unchecked. Let's make a game that forces you to spend several hours and superfluous effort to reach a goal that, if not reached correctly, will cease to exist.''}}
{{quote'''''BUT WHY DO I LOVE IT SO MUCH'''''|'''Katie Tiedrich''', [[Awkward Zombie]] [http://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic1-122208.php #102]}}
{{quote|''Hell, while we're at it, let's put a time limit on the whole thing. ''}}
{{quote|'''BUT WHY DO I LOVE IT SO MUCH'''}}
{{quote|'''Katie Tiedrich''', [[Awkward Zombie]] [http://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic1-122208.php #102]}}
[[Real Time Strategy]] at its quirkiest, the ''Pikmin'' series came about from a mix of the ''[[Super Mario Bros.|Super Mario]] 128'' project, [[Shigeru Miyamoto]]'s childhood observations of insects at work, and general RTS gameplay. The ''Pikmin'' games lead players into a world where they must use the different kinds of plantlike creatures called "Pikmin" to defeat enemies, produce other Pikmin, collect treasures, and survive in a strange world with even stranger creatures.
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It [http://www.pikminwiki.com/ has a wiki], [[The Wiki Rule|of course.]]. Compare to ''[[Overlord]]'' with a similar gameplay but darker premise.
* [[Action Bomb]]: Volatile Dweevil