Political Stereotype: Difference between revisions

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* [[General Ripper]] from ''[[Dr. Strangelove]]'', who launches a nuclear strike on the USSR because he believes water fluoridation to be a Communist plot. Some [[Truth in Television]] in that one—that belief was ''actually held'' by some members of the [[Right-Wing Militia Fanatic|far-right John Birch Society.]]
* Stephen King's ''[[The Mist]]'' has as an antagonist a crazy old lady, Mrs. Carmody, who rallies the scared people to offer a ''human sacrifice'' to appease the deadly mist... apparently as demanded by God in [[The Bible]], citations of actual verses be darned.
** See also [[AuthorWriter Onon Board|every single]] [[The Fundamentalist|Christian character]] he's ever depicted, ever.
=== [[Live-Action TV]] ===