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'''Potent Pheromones''' are a superpower that uses one's natural chemicals to induce an abnormal emotional or physical response in another person. The typical example would be [[Smells Sexy|pheromones causing an intense desire for a person]], usually a woman, having an effect that would lead to something close to [[Mind Control]]. However, this power can go beyond merely brainwashing someone into becoming a lovestruck pawn happy to do their master's bidding: more creative uses of pheromones can include using them to mark a target to unleash hordes of bugs or other creatures on, makingpoisoning people or otherwise making them violently ill, poisoning people, orand even empowering them with a strength boost or in some cases, brand-new superpowers. As you can see, pheromones can be quite the flexible superpower.
People with the [[Super Senses|Super Sense]] of smell ([[The Nose Knows|smell]]) can be vulnerable to this power, and the same can apply to people who are the opposite gender of the person using their pheromone powers. And of course, animals often lack the willpower to resist them thanks to being more in touch with their wild side.
Expect there to be a lot of overlap with [[Charm Person]], as with [[Hypno Fool]].
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** The Insect Glaive weapon also introduced in ''4'' is essentially a spear that allows its wielder to control a special bug called a [[Mon|Kinsect]]. The Hunter can shoot out a pheromone bullet as a "lock-on" for it to attack a monster, and aiming it at specific monster body parts will enable the Kinsect to collect special essences that can boost Hunter's stats.
** Xeno'jiiva from ''[[Monster Hunter World]]'', is {{spoiler|an alien Elder Dragon that is responsible for the Elder Crossing, and lures dying Elder Dragons towards the New World with special pheromones so it can absorb their life essence once they pass.}}
** Stinkminks from ''[[Monster Hunter Rise]]'' are [[Assist Character|endemic life]] that can help you lure monsters to other parts of the map by spraying them with its pheromones. It's a good way to get an edge over your target, since luring a monster to fight another can heavily damage them through either Wyvern Riding or in some cases, a turf war.
* The upgraded CASIE enhancement from ''[[Deus Ex: Human Revolution]]'' gives Adam the ability to emit pheromones that make others more susceptible to his suggestions.
* The Elcor race from ''[[Mass Effect]]'' can use pheromones to communicate with each other, and even can sense other races' pheromones.