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== [[Real Life]] ==
* The reasonsreason for the notion's is popularpopularity werewas [[World War I]], when Napoleonic style of warfare died because machineguns made an open massed advance suicidal, and artillery made field fortification necessary, so everyone had to adapt quickly.
** …and then [[World War II]] came, whenand those who expected another [[World War I]] were introduced to the concepts of mobile warfare and air war.
** …except those who paid attention to [[Red October]] and wars in which the Soviet Union was entangled, including the [[Spanish Civil War]]: most high-ranked Red Army commanders participated in both last big wars, obviously considered ''their'' last and victorious big war, "the way to do it right", and hopelessly mired WWI abhorrent — and taught others this way.<!--No idea what this last bit was meant to say, can someone clarify?--> Which in turn led to promoting [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|a very aggressive style]] that worked in highly mobile warfare, but was ill-prepared for adequate defence whenever "good offence" was not the best response.