• Adaptation Displacement: Sometimes. At times when Recess isn't shown in reruns, whenever Disney Channel or Disney XD feel gernerous and they'll rerun the movie (as well as certain stores still carrying the DVD, but this is more rare), this can happen with much younger kids who never watched the show before. And once they do discover the show, they'll think it was based on the movie.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The movie is now availible on iTunes. Whether the rest of the series will follow is currently unknown (It already did in Germany).
  • Complete Monster: Benedict, based on what he wants to do and that he has no problem hurting or even killing people to do it (it's heavily implied he sent one of his henchman to torture or death for failing him, which he dubbed "detention"). To say nothing of the numerous other consequences of starting a new Ice Age just to end summer vacation.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The entire sountrack.
    • Special mention to the background music that plays whenever T.J. has a plan... a beefed-up, more badass version of the regular BGM.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome:
    • Gus gets one when he becomes leader of the kids, since T.J. is still trapped in the school.
    • Vince gets his when he destroys the machine.
  • Fridge Horror: Why did Prickly call the villain insane? Maybe because creating another ice age to end summer vacation forever would bring forth The End of the World as We Know It?
  • Memetic Mutation: "Hello, boys!"
  • Narm:
    • Right after T.J. and Principal Prickly's guard disguises fail T.J. yells "RUN!", but is still oddly smiling, possibly due to an animation error.
    • One of the early trailers (seen on the Air Bud: World Pup VHS) has a scene where the kids are about to break into the school with T.J. saying "Cover me, I'm going in", which is obviously recycled from the first episode. This is especially noticable due to the fact that T.J. had a different voice actor in season one.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Seeing T.J. as his friends leave for camp is heartbreaking.
    • There's one that seems to be specifically aimed at the Military Brats in the audience: the gang are in the treehouse discussing pleasant memories of past summers and lamenting that they probably won't make any new ones from here on out, when Gus suddenly starts bawling:

Spinelli: What's the matter with you? You just moved here!
Gus: I know! And now I'll never share any of these memories!