Reviews:American Idiot

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Probably one of the worst albums ever made.

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

I've never heard anything else by Green Day, probably because this was the start and the end of me trying to hear them.

To give this album context, around three minutes after the second plane hit the Twin Towers and until Obama became president, George Bush became Satan or something even worse in the eyes of american liberals. Anything was less worse than him, including mass murderers and dictators who hated liberalism or basically anything other than themselves. People joked after Bush left that he architected 911 but when he was president those same people spread those theories in first place. Not to mention once McCain lost they were hellbent on believing Bush was going to coup himself and become president-for-life. If this seem similar to what happened after Biden was elected, it's not your mind playing tricks with you, the American Democratic Party has zero creativity on their conspiracy theories.

I'm going on one paragraph rant about american politics despite being this is a music album because this thing has no entertainment value: this thing is just one big rant about the evil American Empire while ignoring Saddam Hussein gassing civilians and basically being the anti-thesis of democracy. Pollution, capitalism destroying the american spirit. Perhaps not surprising, the cover was inspired by chinese communist propaganda.

Because complete lack of creativity defines modern liberal art. I said liberal? Liberal is just a label now, now it means leftist. And leftists never had arguments for their model of government, all they have is saying the right-wing model has flaws. American Idiot has no music, it is only propaganda. Chinese communist propaganda perhaps, but I better not engage in conspiracy theories, idiocy alone can explain Green Day.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

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