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Characters appearing in Roads include:

The Crew of the Astral Hind

Bionus Enrikian

The turian captain of the Astral Hind.

Colleen Gainsborough

Bionus's human second in command.


The salarian pilot of the Astral Hind.

  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He may just be putting on that overtly literal persona, if his recent interaction with Colleen is any clue.

Kendo'Minos nar Early

The quarian technician that Bionus took on to keep the Astral Hind running.

Renarra Sabados

An asari mercenary Bionus hired to keep the crew safe.

The Cat

A human musician that Bionus took on.

  • Artificial Limbs: The Cat has to have almost an entire artificial face put on after he gets acid thrown on him. It gives him a skull-like visage.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He hints at one of these.

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