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* [[The DCU]] has been a prime example since the 1970s, at least, when Roy Thomas got handed an entire ''Earth'' of his own, to play around with all of the familiar tropes of [[Fanfic]].
** Even before then, [[Jim Shooter]] began submitting his own layouts and scripts for DC's ''Adventure Comics'' in 1966 at the age of thirteen, writing stories for the Legion of Super-Heroes, of which he was a fan.
** Volume 4 ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes]]'' comics was infamous for this. Many consider Volume 4 to be the worst, with elements like Element Lad's girlfriend becoming a stalker with a [[Gender Bender|sex change]] (some fans considered him to be gay), Lightning Lad revealing to actually be the [[Alien Scrappy]] and [[Team Pet]] Proty that revived him 25 years before, and the [[Spinoff Babies|teenage clones]] [[Tomato in the Mirror|that might not have been clones...]] The next group of writers to take over considered themselves forced to perform the first complete [[ReContinuity BootReboot]] of the Legion ever (not even ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]'' could do that), wiping out all previous history and fan elements. And just to show how much of a [[Broken Base]] the fandom is, the people who liked Volume 4 accused that next group of being the ones Running the Asylum.
** In particular, Dan Didio, [[Geoff Johns]] and [[Grant Morrison]] made it their mission to retcon just about everything that happened in the DCU since ''Crisis on Infinite Earths''. This includes:
*** Brining back the Multiverse with ''Infinite Crisis'' and ''52''.
*** Bringing back the original Supergirl - with a possible [[Take That]] at the previous writing/editing team by killing off Harbinger in the miniseries that restored Supergirl (Supergirl was killed and Harbinger introduced in the first ''Crisis''.).
*** Returning Power Girl to being Kara Zor-El from Earth-2 instead of the princess of Atlantis.
*** The Big One: Retconning ''Emerald Twilight'' with ''Green Lantern: Rebirth'', reviving Hal Jordan and revealing that Sinestro and an intergalactic fear bug were responsible for Hal becoming Parallax. Of course, even the writer of ''Emerald Twilight'' admitted this was a good move...
*** Reviving Barry Allen in ''Final Crisis''—this — this one wasn't met as well with fans since they had long accepted Barry's [[Heroic Sacrifice]]. Didio even bragged in a ''DC Nation'' column about how he only took on the job to bring back Hal and Barry.
**** Wally West remains a fan favorite despite his current MIA status in the reboot. He is not the only sidelined speedster. Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, and Jesse Quick are also missing. DC's going to have to deal with questions about Wally for a while, and even the current Flash creative team has expressed an interest in bringing him back—and given their status as rising stars at DC, they may get their wish. DC's all or nothing attitude is odd especially given that DC has several Robins (and ex-Robins) as well as multiple Earth Green Lanterns, pretty much all of whom are still active as of ''New52'' (except poor Stephanie Brown, who seems to be some kind of an inverted [[Creator's Pet]]).
*** While not related to ''Crisis'', Geoff Johns also retconned Superboy into becoming the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor in ''Teen Titans''—which — which was foreshadowed by [ a fan letter] sent into Superboy's old book... by one "Geoffrey Johns".
**** The primary architects of the Modern DCU (Didio, Johns and Morrison) all are fans of the Silver Age and have made efforts to bring aspects of that era back into the zeitgeist with books such as 52, [[Final Crisis]] and [[All-Star Superman]].
**** There is a joke amongst comics forums (and this wiki) that someday fans, unsatisfied with the re-emergence of Silver Age aspects, will become DC writers and set things "right" by "putting things back the way they used to be before all this Asylum Running", which basically translates to "Someday new writers will run the asylum so that instead of the Silver Age, it will be [[Dark Age]] instead."