Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated/Heartwarming

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  • The end of episode 2, where Shaggy holds Velma's hand reassuringly while Scooby Doo holds onto him all scared. Seeing Velma smile like that makes you melt inside... and hope that things get better for those two later on in the episodes.
  • Freddy's realization in episode 7 that he cares for Daphne as much as he does traps. When he can't reconcile this with his belief that real men don't have feelings, he declares that he isn't a guy anymore, putting his feelings for her over his need to be "macho".
  • Daphne hearing Fred call her his girlfriend during episode 13, and showing that she understands how much trouble he has with expressing himself.
  • Scooby apologizing to Velma for all the trouble he's caused in Velma and Shaggy's relationship.
  • Episode 15: When Daphne says her heart will always belong to Fred.
  • Another moment in episode 15 is when Maxwell kidnapped Velma and Scooby. He wants Velma to hack into the National Train Database and he gets her to do this by threatening Scooby's life by hanging him from tree over a cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom. When he's about to drop him Velma begs him not too and agrees to his demands. The dialogue explains it all.

Velma: Wow. Kind of ironic?
Scooby: Yeah, Ironic. (beat) What does ironic mean?
Velma: It means: here's the chance I've been waiting for. To get Shaggy back! All I have to do is refuse to help...
Scooby: (Whimpers)
Velma: But there's no way I'm going to take it! Even though you stole my boyfriend, I'd never let anyone hurt you Scooby-Doo.
Scooby: (laughs) Never a doubt in my mind!

  • Episode 16: This exchange between Daphne and Fred.

Daphne: (referring to being under the love spell) How much do you remember?
Fred: What do you mean? All of it.
Daphne: Really? And how does that make you feel?
Fred: No different.
Daphne: Huh?
Fred: I don't need Aphrodite's spell to care about you.
Daphne: *happily* Oh Freddy!

  • Velma, to Mai Lee after she's been caught in Episode 18:

Velma: He's too good for you! Dog issues or no dog issues!

  • The end of episode 22 - a bit of a breather from all the dark stuff going on. Sheriff Stone even has fun!
  • Pretty much the end of episode 24. Even with the Night Ranger doing a funky jig at the end.
  • For the twists and turns and depression that was episode 26 Mayor Jones rescuing Fred stood out for this troper and showed that even with all the abuse and neglect that he put him through, he still cared for Fred's safety.