
Revision as of 15:20, 28 March 2018 by Reyder Dister (talk | contribs)
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  • Crowning Moment of Funny - In a series that is decidedly unfunny, Stoics Fujiki and Ushimata manage one near the beginning after giving Irako an Oh Crap moment.
    • To elaborate, Ushimata has Irako clinging to the rafters in fear for his life. Ushimata then tells the disciples "Bring me a spear."
  • Complete Monster Kogan Iwamoto, the head of the Kogan-ryuu Dojo in Shigurui, particularly for his treatment towards women. So great is his cruelty in and out of combat that even the hardcore psychotics among his students are taken aback. Indeed, in a series full of depravity and madness, he consistently stands on his own mountain of heartlessness. Two key examples are his treatment of his daughter, Mie. He wanted a son instead and only sees her as a vessel for carrying the dojo's heir. Thus, he's willing to watch her get raped by one of his students to make sure she got pregnant, slashed through a student's face for suggesting she should have a husband that respects her, and scoffed at her mother committing suicide when Mie finds her body. When the man first picked as Kogan's successor, Irako, is cast out, she spends years starving herself, eventually reducing herself to a semi-sane bag of bones. He only shows concern once he realizes she won't be able to give birth in such a state, and he almost rapes her himself. As for his concubine Iku? She was seen as cursed by the locals, as every man she gets involved with dies in one way or another. Thus, she is grateful to Kogan because he was kind to her despite that...until one of his top students, Irako, tells her that Kogan killed her first husband just to show off a sword technique. She and Irako become lovers behind Kogan's back; when he finds out, he slices off both her nipples, mutilates one of her breasts by burning it, and then blackmails her into burning a hole through Irako's penis. Oh, and this is AFTER Irako is tricked into getting beaten to a pulp by his fellow students, but BEFORE Kogan personally blinds him by slicing his eyes open.
    • Tadanaga Tokugawa is a psychopath who uses his position as the younger brother of the shogun to terrorize his people. Regularly violating and murdering the daughters and wives of his retainers, Tadanaga is little more than a Serial Rapist and murderer who is above the law. When one samurai dares to deny Tadanaga's demand to be attended by his wife, Tadanaga forces him to fight to the death against another warrior. He keeps a deformed samurai in his dungeon to rape and cannibalize women while he watches, and sends the shredded body of a girl back to her brother to mock the family. Organizing a tournament in which samurai must fight to the death using real katana instead of traditional wooden bokken, Tadanaga demands the body of one fallen warrior be humiliated by decapitation.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The after-mentioned Eye Scream.
  • Squick: You will finding something about this series revolting.