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Compare with [[Room Disservice]] and [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma]]. May overlap with [[Make It Look Like an Accident]], especially if performed by a doctor or a member of the nursing staff.
{{noreallife|tell the police, not us.}}
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== Anime and Manga ==
* In one of the arcs of ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'' , {{spoiler|Satoko}} is killed like this when she is left as the sole survivor of Hinamizawa Disaster.
* Gaara tries this with Rock Lee in ''[[Naruto]]'', pre -[[Heel Face Turn]]. He is stopped by Shikamaru and Naruto.
** Of course, Lee didn't know any particular information. Gaara was just nuts enough to want him dead.
*** More specifically, Gaara couldn't comprehend why Gai would risk his own life to protect his protege, when Gaara's own mentor tried to kill him. Rather than try to confront the fact that other people have love and he doesn't, he decided to remove the reminder.
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* Several villains do this to a police detective in the ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]'' episode "The Fortunate Ones: MISSING HEARTS".
** This is done all the time! When nobody is able to kill the Major in combat, they try something else and send an assassin to kill her when she gets her cybernetic body replaced and is nothing more than a [[Brain In a Jar]] for a few minutes. {{spoiler|Then the assassin looks away just long enough for the Laughing Man to [[Passive Rescue|plug her back in]]...}}
== Comic Books ==
* In the 14th album of the ''[[XIII]]'' series (''Danger to the State'') Irina Svetlanova {{spoiler|disguised as a nurse attempts to do it to the main protagonist}}.
== Film ==
* ''[[The Omen]]''.{{context}}
* Barely averted in both the first and second ''[[The Godfather|Godfather]]'' films. In the first Michael Corleone arrives to find the police guards have been 'reassigned'. He gets a nurse to move his father's bed to another room, then bluffs the killers by standing outside (with a friend) and sliding a hand inside his coat when the carload of killers turn up. In the second film the hitman, having distracted the nurses, is about to press a pillow over the patient's face when a squad of Cuban soldiers, who have been tipped off about the hit, march in and shoot him.
* The climax of the film ''[[U.S. Marshals]]''.
* Elle Driver disguises herself as [[Hello, Nurse!|a nurse]] and attempts to do this to The Bride in the first volume of ''[[Kill Bill]]''. Fortunately Bill calls at the last minute and cancels the hit.
* Bethany from ''[[Dogma]]'' saves "existence" by doing this... to {{spoiler|''God''}}
** {{spoiler|''God''}}
* Similar thing happens in ''[[Hard Boiled]]'', only that the victim is not unconscious but rather, in a plaster cast from tip to toe, which only makes the murder ([[Squick|with a scalpel]]) crueler.
* The Steve McQueen thriller ''[[Bullitt]]'' (1968). A hitman sneaks into the hospital with the intent of finishing off his target, but is recognised and chased off by Bullitt.
* ''[[Telefon]]''. A priest who's been [[Manchurian Agent|brainwashed to commit sabotage]] is captured alive. A female KGB agent purchases a nurses' uniform from an on-sight outfitters, while Charles Bronson (posing as a doctor) rings up the duty nurse and tells her that another nurse will be replacing her, as she's to report somewhere else. The false nurse then injects air into the IV tube of the patient.
* In Peter Jackson's ''[[The Lord of the Rings (film)|The Lord of the Rings]]'', it's hinted that Gríma did this to Théodred.
* Very nearly happens in ''[[Orphan]]''.
* Subverted in ''[[The Dark Knight Saga]]'': The Joker visits a badly injured Harvey Dent in the hospital. He doesn't kill him, but his visit is enough to {{spoiler|send Dent over the edge and make him fully embrace his new nature as the vengeful Two-Face}}.
== Literature ==
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* In ''[[Bored of the Rings]]'', after the battle of Minas Troney, Farashlax is assigned a private hospital room, where he is visited by an apron-and-stethoscope-wearing Arrowroot (already now claiming the title of "true king of all Twodor"). The Ranger emerges with his apron covered in blood, and explains that Farashlax succumbed to [[The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much|"terminal abrasions and contusions with complications,"]] though Legolam didn't think he was wounded that much.
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* Happens in ''[[Fringe]]'', episode 1x09
* ''[[New Tricks]]'' had a villain from the previous season attempt to smother Jack Halford while he was in hospital recovering from a car accident.
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* This is attempted at the end of the ''[[Grimm]]'' pilot.
* ''[[Leverage]]'', "The Beantown Bailout Job." {{spoiler|The bank manager}} behind the whole scam is on his way to the hospital to kill the only witness, who's lying in a coma... only to find the Massachusetts State Police waiting for him when he arrives.
* ''[[The X-Files]]''. After A.D. Skinner is shot, Scully thinks this has happened to him when she finds his room empty and the police guards missing. It turns out he's being transferred to another hospital. She decides to accompany Skinner there in the ambulance, which is just as well as that's where the attempted murder occurs.
** And Skinner himself attempts to do this to the comatose Mulder in "Deadalive", thinking he is saving Scully's unborn child by doing so. It fails, but ends up saving Mulder from a life of alien replication.
* ''[[Castle]]''. In season one, this almost happens to a man in witness protection - {{spoiler|luckily, it turns out just to be a trap, and our heroes catch the would-be assassin.}}
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== [[Tabletop RPG]] ==
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' supplement ''[[The Fungi From Yuggoth]]''. In the playtesting of the first adventure "The Dreamer", the [[PC]]s entered Paul LeMond's hospital room to find the cultist Clarence Rodgers strangling him. Rogers had infiltrated the hospital dressed as an orderly.
== Video Games ==
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* Considered in the first ''[[Persona (video game)|Persona]]'' game by Nanjo at upon discovering that {{spoiler|their friend Maki is trapped in Kandori's DVA system, which has been the cause of all their problems}}. [[You Bastard|Mark decks him for it]].
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* The reason Gil from ''[[Girl Genius]]'' had to send out Captain Vole to try to get Agatha is because waves of assassins were trying to kill his hospitalized father.
** Tarvek expressed doubts as to whether he caught a very exotic and lethal disease in the castle with its labs, or earlier in the hospital where he was put after being shot. Given both [[Royally Screwed-Up|a big backstabbing family]] ''and'' a conspiracy eager to silence a captured participant, and these overlap a lot.
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