Sounds of Science

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Science is Serious Business. That's why any self-respecting practitioner of theoretical or applied science, mathematician or philosopher will refuse to study samples, examine specimens or patients, look through a microscope, make calculations or even read - in silence. Not being able to contain their interest in the very scientific matter at hand is considered the mark of the true Absent-Minded Professor, who will mutter, murmur and mumble incessantly to prove beyond doubt that, yes, science is going on right now.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka' but 'That's funny...'"

Common Sounds of Science include:

Examples of Sounds of Science include:

Please don't list single instances of the Sounds of Science listed above, but rather significant or Egregious uses of this trope as well as cases where this is played with!

 Cal Meachem: Monitor the rate of radioactive decay.

Tom Servo: Increase the Flash Gordon noise and put more science stuff around!

  • Steve Urkel had Sounds of Science Catch Phrases: "I'm a genius!" and the strange "Shhh.. not while I'm pouring."
  • Oingo Boingo's "Weird Science" is sung by a scientist and includes cries of "It's Alive!" The movie it was made for shows that the scientist is actually singing while doing science.
  • In Schlock Mercenary, The issue of "Eureka!" versus "That's funny," is discussed here and in the subsequent strip, directly mentioning Asimov's quote above.
  • Calvin and Hobbes: "Scientific progress goes 'boink'?"